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Lifes2short's interests
Auckland City, Auckland Region, New Zealand
Safe Sex! This member prefers & practices safe sex
Interested in hearing from Women, Couples
Straight Male, 58 (It's complicated)
Just sex, nothing more (i am open to possibly meeting)

Playmate Required

Situation Vacant - Female required to join attached male who enjoys what life has to offer for a team game.

You'll ideally be an attached female 35-55 seeking a discrete friendship full of spontanteity and sensual fun.

Oranges will be supplied at half time and team uniforms must be worn on all ocassions.

This games no fun on your own so the ball is in your court...why not volley it back...who knows what might happen!

Why not 'buddy up', explore those fantasies and live a little !!

Remember Life is too short!!


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