Welcome to the NZP Community
Each group has its own themes, discussions, and events. Go on, get creative and get involved! Start your own group
Groups that you belong to and/or manage
Owned and operated by nzpersonals
This is a place for discussing any kind of topic, as long as it complies with our rules. We encourage members to contribute to the topics and have a bit of fun. If you don't like the topics posted in...
Gold members get to see more results in this search
Here are the newest groups on the block
Owned and operated by Couples69
Just sex
Owned and operated by Bareall4u
A Group For is Men and Women That are Bisexual To meet up with other people
Owned and operated by Bareall4u
A supportive private play group for men who want to dress 👗 up in women's clothing with out fear or judgment.
Owned and operated by Samoandadbod
A group dedicated to seeking fun sessions at DVX, PNC,Adult Theaters 😈

Get Creative!

Get involved!

What's all this guff about?
Each group has a particular theme, we encourage everyone to start up their own group and start adding discussions or events within their group.

You can make your group as private as you like, and you can restrict who can join your group. You can even make your mates "managers" of your group.

It's a great way of creating your own clique on NZP or just to have a few laughs.

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