Peaches & Cream Petone Adult Cinema
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A big thank you... And to add!
Discussion - started by Lilsissybabygirl, posted on 15-Dec-18 11:24PM
Here is a big thank you to the gentleman who looked out for me tonight. You know who you are! If not you might get to know who you are after I explain...

To the meth'd up crossdressing douche who covered their face and the rapey look on their face. Way to clear a room dude! People like you should be fucking banned. You're so lucky I didn't report you because initially I thought you were going to hold the store up with that briefcase you were holding. Way to make people feeling uncomfortable and unsafe! If you don't want to be outed then don't come to the store. Dickheads like you should be trespassed... Just saying.

Anyway, again... Thank you to the gent who stayed with me. I think we both knew when to call it a night. Very much appreciated. Whoever said chivalry was dead!?

Showing comments 1 through 18 out of 18 comments

Comment #1 by KiakahaNZ in response to the main topic
Posted on 16-Dec-18 6:13AM
Have seen a guy come in mid-week in a suit with a briefcase, but has a scarf wrapped around his face. He came in, sat down and intensely stared at someone having a play.
Posted on 16-Dec-18 9:31AM
Yes! Exactly the same guy!
He wore the scaf around his face and wore sunglasses. He also carried a harder cased toolbox/ briefcase. Just sat there and intensely stared at me. I wouldn't have touched him with a barge pole to be honest. Totally crept me out.

People like this shouldn't be allowed in there. Does the douche bag realize that he is still on camera as he walks into the shop? Even before he goes out the back to cover his face? The Fucking dumb cunt...
Posted on 16-Dec-18 9:57AM
He's quite regular. Like, visits every day.

The correct thing to do is report it to staff and we'll have a word. He's been coming multiple times a week for more than a year and havent had a complaint about his behaviour, some people find him odd, but theres plenty of odd types that go out the back.
He carries his cross dressing clothing in in his case.

Also he's not a meth user, just very socially awkward.

But again, I'll stress: If you don't tell staff theres a problem, you cant really complain on the internet about it.
I will take this as a complaint and speak to the theatre user when he comes in today.
Posted on 16-Dec-18 10:25AM
Thank you for your response.

I actually I told the P&C staff member who was on last night. I questioned the policy and whether or not there should be a rule against covering your face to her. I wasn't the only person who felt the same way as one of the guys who was with me to begin with felt pretty uncomfortable with this other guy being there as well. Unfortunately I only speak for myself and that's what I'm doing.

I stand by my thread and my response. I think customers safety should be important. Who's to know what else this shady person is into? Again if you don't want to outed then don't go. Simple...

I'd rather speak up than not! I'm not out to scare anyone off or lose Customers... That dickhead does a good job all on his own!

As for the comment about not being on meth... Well he is definitely on something and I stand by that too. Just by the intense stare and body language. (Shudders) The Fucking weirdo.
Comment #5 by Nice1wgtn in response to the main topic
Posted on 16-Dec-18 10:58AM
Wow some unreal people go in their.
Posted on 16-Dec-18 11:11AM
His kink is covering his face and cross dressing. he walks in and out of the store with his face uncovered, I know his name, where he lives, what he does. He's not a concern.
And while I'm sorry he frightened you, he's been coming for a long time and covering his face.

And again, he's not a drug user.

There are some odd people in society but the theatre is a safe space for people to indulge their kinks and fetishes.

I'm way more concerned by people having unsafe sex with strangers than I am with a man wearing a scarf over his face.
Posted on 16-Dec-18 11:47AM
I'm not overly concerned about his crossdressing habits. I couldn't care less about it actually... Shouldn't have to cover your face if it is a safe place as you described. Just no. I don't give a shit. Unless it is some costume themed venue that allows it then fine by all means. You want to dress like someone who is about to rob a place or scare others then stay home.

I also don't give a shit about if you know him personally either. I couldn't careless about that either. It has nothing to do with all that. It doesn't excuse his or their behavior.

Actually he is a concern or else I wouldn't be here typing this thread now would I? Sorry there is no room for creepy or intimidating behavior like that. People didn't see me intensely staring or using threatening body language to get others to participate in my own sexual behavior!
Remember it's a safe place like you described? Or supposed to be! This shouldn't be a dabate. I believe P&C Petone should update their rules and policy. If you're man enough to enter a store without the face covered then you should be man enough not to scare or intimidate others with their rapey or creepy behavior!

As for people having unprotected sex with strangers, then that's on them if they're stupid enough to do it. Still don't see other people covering their faces or using intimidating body language and behavior. Case and point...
Posted on 16-Dec-18 12:01PM
Already said I'd speak to him about covering his face.

Posted on 16-Dec-18 12:07PM
Cool. Fine by me... Then perhaps talk to him about his creepy behavior as well while your at it too!
Comment #10 by Nersayus in response to JuliaPetone ( view post )
Posted on 16-Dec-18 2:02PM
Honestly hes not breaking any rules. You cant dictate what people look like, or who they look at or not.
This attack on a defenseless person makes me a bit sad, this isnt supposed to be a place of judgment of peoples kinks. It's a public venue, one wont always be into what's happening on that given day but you cant dictate what others get up too of they arent breaking any rules. Most of us who like to attend are a bit weird!
I've often suggested to playmates who are shy to wear a half mask or something the first time if it makes them more comfortable. I guess my question is Where do we draw the line? What if someone is uncomfortable with crossdressers? Do we ban that as well? God I hope we never get to that point because 1 person is offended.

I hope you are able to do it gently Julia and he isnt put off coming because of one person :(
Comment #11 by JuliaPetone in response to Nersayus ( view post )
Posted on 16-Dec-18 2:37PM
I'm gentle and kind with everyone except assholes.
They get the full volume Mum-voice when I kick them out.

Comment #12 by Nersayus in response to JuliaPetone ( view post )
Posted on 16-Dec-18 2:45PM
Haha nothing as scary as a mum voice!
Posted on 16-Dec-18 4:13PM
Sorry what? I'm not attacking anyone! There is no excuse for predatory behavior in a supposed safe place or space. Some people need to pull heads out of their ass.

Let's call it what it is... Predatory behavior! Intimating and scaring people using stand over tactics or use of body language is not an harmless act! As well as covering their face and just sit there, then not saying anything or talking to anyone. As someone who has belonged in the fetish scene for 5 years that shit wouldn't fly in a proper fetish venue. You'd either be asked to remove what you are wearing off on or around your face or be asked to leave. So clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. It's called respecting others.

Of course I'm going to call out someone's bullshit behavior. Sorry, not sorry...
Posted on 16-Dec-18 7:48PM
Julia, I can only imagine what would need to happen to be kicked out!? Would you mind sharing say the worst three luck outs you had to deal with?
Posted on 16-Dec-18 9:54PM
I have noticed that this seems to be a "signal" used by a lot of people that use the theatre. Making clear and deliberate eye contact with people (especially with those with their gear out having a play) seems to be an indication that they are interested in more/further interaction. And my guess is, that is what this individual is doing - it's just his style of doing this is quite full on.
Posted on 17-Dec-18 7:09AM
Clearly you are making excuses to justify a persons behavior and have missed the whole point of my post!

While yes making eye contact is clearly apart of it with someone who doesn't cover their face with a scarf or dark sunglasses! I mean how are you supposed to make eye contact if you can't see a persons eyes or face for that matter? Can you explain this to me?

Also if a person being made eye contact with doesn't respond by making eye contact back with that other particular person wouldn't that usually mean or indicate that they are clearly not interested?

Some people clearly need to get this through their thick skulls. Just like the case with the person in this thread and another experience I had in the past. These shady people don't know when to quit! I made attempts to move away so I'm clearly not in their line of vision, but these people keep at it and make their impression known by either keep following and by using intimidating body language because clearly that person isn't getting what they came for! Clearly these types have a problem with the word "consent". If you are just going to sit there and intensely stare at people without saying a word then that to me is a red flag already and these people are displaying a form of predatory behavior.

Clearly I know what I'm talking about.
Posted on 17-Dec-18 7:51AM
"Also if a person being made eye contact with doesn't respond by making eye contact back with that other particular person wouldn't that usually mean or indicate that they are clearly not interested?"

I absolutely agree on this point. People should be able to read the signs/get the message and move on.
Posted on 17-Dec-18 11:43AM
Thank you. I really do appreciate that. :)

As for another person or two on this thread has clearly pointed the finger at me and in away victim blamed me for clearly pointing out a concern.

Yes I maybe the first or only person to point out this persons and not just theirs, but other peoples shitty behavior in what some described as a "Safe" place or space. I may be that only person who's voices this (So far,), but who's to know that their isn't anyone else reading this who is feeling the exact same or similar way and is to afraid to speak up about it?

Now I have said my piece and this still shouldn't be up for debate. Let's stop justifying peoples shit behavior. These places are to be described as Safe places or spaces for people to enjoy. So let's keep it that way!

If I was to type this thread all over again I would in a heart beat and I won't sit there and be bullied into not voicing a concern or be blamed just because I'm one voice.


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