Pulsating Cock - How Many Spurts do you produce? Male Climax Count.
Group page.
My Spurt Count is …… ?
Discussion - started by Blow, posted on 30-May-24 10:34AM
This group is for guys that orgasm with 5+ spurts or ropes.
What’s your number?

Showing comments 1 through 12 out of 12 comments

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Comment #4 by Blow in response to Gamechanger ( view post )
Posted on 1-Jun-24 10:53AM
Give a range then .. maximum and minimum. This group is for 5+ guys (or an average of 5+)
Comment #5 by Blow in response to curiousguy-5 ( view post )
Posted on 1-Jun-24 10:53AM
Then give an average and maximum number.
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Comment #11 by Gamechanger in response to Blow ( view post )
Posted on 5-Jun-24 2:31PM
6 to 7 spurts
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