Porn film making . NewZealand
Well admit it, you have always wanted to be in at least one, showing off your particular skill and style..have fun like in the hundreds of hours you have watched it..dressing up , make up ,get in character, Quite on set , lights camera action!..have fun, I could think of worce things to do. Yer get the shots in the can, editing, promotion of the film. Dress up like Hollywood and go to the premier.. tension Climax..applause. give TV3 news interview's..then after film party..and some memories forever on film..yer excellent work..I have experienced all these things in my filmmaking career, but I always had my own ideas about making hot pawn films..So the sypnosis is, Anyone interested who wants to be part of the film crew team, plus actors models and future stars are all welcome on this project. Interested, well interview's and casting calls are now join up, and help contribute..Let's do this's On!