Joining NZPersonals - a step by step guide

  • First, go to the "Sign up page"

  • Fill out as much about yourself in the form as possible. 
    Take care when providing your email address, if you mistype your email address you won't be able to complete the join up process.

  • When you have completed filling out the join up pages, you will be sent an email.
    Don't reply to the email. 
    The email will contain a confirmation code and a confirmation link. Using either will acheive the same thing.
    The confirmation code: if you are prompted for the code, then type this code in to complete the join up process.
    The confirmation link: you can click the link to complete the join up process.
    If you haven't received an email from us, it might be because you mistyped your email address.

New Zealand Personals - Now in its 26th year, and still going strong
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