Below are definitions of expressions that sometimes appear in profiles
Straight - slang for "heterosexual".
Bisexual - sometimes abbreviated to "bi".
Note that "bi-curious" means straight/heterosexual with fantasies of same sex relations.
Gay - slang for "homosexual".
Heteroflexible - homosexual behaviour, despite being primarily heterosexual.
Homoflexible - heterosexual behaviour, despite being primarily homosexual.
Pansexual - not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.
Asexual - a person who has no sexual feelings or desires.
BDSM - an abbreviation for "bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism".
B&D - an abbreviation for "bondage & discipline".
S&M - an abbreviation for "sadism & masochism".
CP - an abbreviation for "corporal punishment".
Lesbian - gay female.
Transgender (or TG) - men or women who identify or enjoy dressing as the opposite sex.
Transsexual (or TS) - a person whose sexual identification is entirely with the opposite sex.
MTF TS = Male to female transsexual, FTM TS = female to male transsexual.
Transvestite (or TV) - wears clothing of the opposite sex.
Cross dresser (or CD, or XD) - wears clothing of the opposite sex.
Fetish - obsession or unusual sexual interests.
Swinger - usually associated with couples or groups. Partner swapping. Wife swapping.
Polygamy - more than one wife or partner, polyamory.
Cuckold - a man whose wife committed adultery.
GSOH - Good sense of humour.
LOL - Laughs out loud.
LMAO - Laughing My Arse Off.
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing.