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BlackForest4you's interests
BlackForest4you (Uso & Bbw)
Christchurch City, Canterbury Region, New Zealand
Friendship and/or sex (we are unsure about meeting at this stage)

Looking For You Milkybar or Dark Chocolate

Just a regular curvy bbw lady if your other half don't know your here then i guess 🤷 that's your problem no drama or drug free persons not into that or single males txt first please don't add us without talking first if we are interested we will contact you if you haven't heard or received a txt back it's most likely we are not interested at all..I'd prefer circumcised dicks and bi woman will get my attention also..we play together only 😊 no pushy people we cant meet straight away as we have family commitments PS i am not going to go with anyone who is UNCUCT its not my cuppa tea i am not interested

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