Be weary of these members!
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Discussion - started by flossie1nz, posted on 30-Jul-20 7:34PM
Yep another timewaster. Chatting since last week then on the day we are supposed to meet goes quiet. Even if he is legit he can at least say he is no longer keen or that something has come up rather than me busting a gut to finish work and get ready for our "date". I will always say if it's not going to happen not just go dark on someone. Gutless wonder with no manners.

Showing comments 1 through 19 out of 19 comments

Comment #1 by G-Man in response to the main topic
Posted on 30-Jul-20 9:16PM
Shit house babe. Is very disappointing when there has been a great build up for sure. For me Im engaging because Im keen as. I just don't get this getting off on wasting someone's time. Must be my age lol
Comment #2 by Dicey in response to the main topic
Posted on 31-Jul-20 2:13PM
I very rarely comment... I just wanted to say that I love your profile! Its very honest, witty, and you make fun of yourself too! It tells me that your a confident, humble and strong woman. Good luck out there hun and thanks for letting us know about this man! Take care ☺️
Comment #3 by hisplaything in response to the main topic
Posted on 31-Jul-20 3:06PM
29th July he contacted for a meet that night, nothing since, missed out on another booking to accommodate him
Comment #4 by flossie1nz in response to Dicey ( view post )
Posted on 31-Jul-20 4:19PM
Gosh thanks for that! I tend to ramble on a bit.. must be old age πŸ˜…
Posted on 31-Jul-20 4:23PM
Well that was the day he told me he was coming up to Nelson so go figure! But definitely bad form if you lost out not only time but money too 😠
Comment #6 by BANNED:massagenz in response to the main topic
Posted on 31-Jul-20 8:42PM
his loss the egg
Posted on 31-Jul-20 8:53PM
you're just biased
Posted on 31-Jul-20 8:59PM
Comment #9 by Tsar in response to BANNED:massagenz ( view post )
Posted on 1-Aug-20 8:07PM
Yep. Considering how hard it is to actually find someone after the same thing as you, why would you waste it.
Posted on 1-Aug-20 8:13PM
Posted on 3-Aug-20 12:07PM
This guy isn't a timewaster.Have met him on several occasions.Something important must of come up for him to not show up.
Comment #12 by Lily in response to the main topic
Posted on 3-Aug-20 12:45PM
Always some timewasters however if you had searched his name on here, you would have seen he is one.
Comment #13 by sweetiepie in response to Lily ( view post )
Posted on 3-Aug-20 12:51PM
I have known him for a few years now has never not turned up for meets.
Comment #14 by bobbyjohn in response to flossie1nz ( view post )
Posted on 3-Aug-20 12:52PM
Hey flossie pm me
Comment #15 by Leggyb10ndeone in response to the main topic
Posted on 11-Aug-20 5:55PM
Total timewaster, same as you flossie, rushed to get there on time and 10 mins before meeting time, tells me he has to work later than he thought. I was already there. not impressed
Posted on 11-Aug-20 6:16PM
ffs not good
Comment #17 by GirlB in response to the main topic
Posted on 10-Oct-20 8:51PM
Actual just got left hanging by this guy. Messaged and no reply... But just saw he was online. Waste of time and petrol lol
Posted on 10-Oct-20 8:55PM
youre kidding these nice women is he mad
Comment #19 by nzmaam in response to the main topic
Posted on 10-Oct-20 9:35PM
Yes same here he made a booking with me multiple times and then on the day went quiet as well also kept trying to change the amount of time he could afford absolutely a time waster

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