Be weary of these members!
Community page.
Discussion - started by Luvtolickunow, posted on 22-Nov-20 9:09AM
This worker is a con and conned me out of $1300 and has no intention of paying it back !! Guys be careful!!!

Showing comments 1 through 14 out of 14 comments

Comment #1 by robbierabbit in response to the main topic
Posted on 22-Nov-20 10:29AM
How did they get $1300
Comment #2 by Majichanz in response to the main topic
Posted on 22-Nov-20 5:53PM
Oh dear

And it looks like that profile has vanished along with your $1300
Comment #3 by Paknsavetrolley in response to the main topic
Posted on 22-Nov-20 5:31PM
Whoa that’s a lot of money

How did this worker con you?
Posted on 22-Nov-20 5:52PM
He's not saying much ....
Posted on 22-Nov-20 6:12PM
She was regular member when I first chatted to her and we chatted over a year then changed profile to worker , had a huge back story , we met and not as client just as friends, I lent her $500 saying she would pay back $1 /wk then I get txt saying she can get me the tools I needed for work that I had talked about so stupidly gave another $ and never seen her or money since
Yes I know I’m stupid and yes she saw me coming , I’ve been single yrs while I raised my daughters on my own and after a year of chatting I thought I could trust her (foolish me )
Matter with police but not hopefully and just wanted to warn others
Posted on 22-Nov-20 6:39PM
Very valuable lesson to learn

And I'm sorry she did this to you...

Some people have no morals they just take
Posted on 22-Nov-20 6:41PM
Some people are just shit
Sucks this happened to you
Posted on 22-Nov-20 6:44PM
Yes very valuable in 2 ways lol

Thanks and yes it’s very sad how nasty and low some people are
Posted on 22-Nov-20 6:45PM
Thanks for your nice words
Comment #10 by silvergrey565 in response to the main topic
Posted on 30-Nov-20 11:25AM
Hi luvtolickunow, your settings block me from messaging you but if you are interested in knowing more about Ditto2 please message me. Thanks
Comment #11 by Ruby in response to Luvtolickunow ( view post )
Posted on 30-Nov-20 1:41PM
Wow. Some people are just assholes.
Comment #12 by komoo88 in response to the main topic
Posted on 30-Nov-20 4:37PM
Damnnn, sorry my man, this should never have to happen to anyone, talk about low life, I just can't believe it, not good, as the old saying goes "what goes around, comes around" she will learn a hard life lesson for sure in time.
Posted on 5-Jun-21 6:16AM
Bit of a bummer... sorry to hear that... there are plenty of people just out to rip others off... take care 🙂🙏🏼
Comment #14 by surfslsa in response to the main topic
Posted on 16-Aug-21 11:00PM
Not just you. She did the same thing to me. I even got to meet many times but always some crap story. I am trying to do something so contact me if you want.

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