Be weary of these members!
Community page.
Discussion - started by nzniki, posted on 11-Jul-21 6:05PM
Ladies beware. This loser is a complete and utter waste of time. Never showed up and has my addy which is a bit of a worry. I never give it out until I'm assured that things are definitely happening. Wanker!

Showing comments 1 through 42 out of 42 comments

Comment #1 by Peaceman in response to the main topic
Posted on 11-Jul-21 6:56PM
Wow!! What a dick to turn down the opportunity to spend time with such a hot lady!!
Comment #2 by Owen in response to the main topic
Posted on 11-Jul-21 9:31PM
What a peace of s#it. Another waste of space to many in this world. Stay safe
Comment #3 by QueenD in response to the main topic
Posted on 11-Jul-21 11:36PM
Yes he sure is has done the same to me too
Deletes profiles and creates new ones
Has just appeared again in my area
Take a wide berth
Comment #4 by NZuncut in response to QueenD ( view post )
Posted on 12-Jul-21 1:01AM
that's so weird, must be frustrating as well!
Comment #5 by 666cambridge in response to the main topic
Posted on 12-Jul-21 9:40AM
What a dic. Turning you down. 🤷🏻‍♂️ You look like lots of fun 🤩
Comment #6 by QueenD in response to NZuncut ( view post )
Posted on 12-Jul-21 9:59AM
Well sadly some maless are like that, obviously is still a boy and not a man
Frustrating is one word for it
Comment #7 by up4playtime in response to the main topic
Posted on 12-Jul-21 11:14AM
What an idiot, going to all that trouble only to pull out. Miss an opportunity to spend time with you. What a dick.
Comment #8 by bdf2 in response to the main topic
Posted on 26-Jul-21 7:05PM
Thanks. This guy has made contact with me as well. Thanks for the heads up.
Comment #9 by Lurker in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 26-Jul-21 8:03PM
Same but I wasn't interested. Maybe he blocked me, the messages I've received now say he's deleted?
Comment #10 by bdf2 in response to Lurker ( view post )
Posted on 26-Jul-21 8:07PM
Account still active. Last online 21 minutes ago. Hasn't read my message thanks but no thanks.
Comment #11 by Ranger323 in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 10:28AM
I wouldn’t waist ur time 💋
Comment #12 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 10:42AM
Haven't but I am glad I saw this discussion after he sent me several messages that I didn't respond to.
Comment #13 by Ranger323 in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 10:46AM
Oh lucky well I hope to hear from you sometime 😍😘
Comment #14 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 11:00AM
Comment #15 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 11:19AM
You will have to remain in the shadows as I can't get your profile anyway and I have a age limit on mine so only through friend request.
Comment #16 by Ranger323 in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 11:42AM
Ok well feel free to unblock and msg me hehe xx
Comment #17 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 12:15PM
Send me a friend request that will get through
Comment #18 by Ranger323 in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 12:32PM
I carnt 🤣
Comment #19 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 12:46PM
Fixed I think
Comment #20 by Ranger323 in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 12:51PM
Send me a msg or friend request I carnt seem to get to ur page xx 😘 💋
Comment #21 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 1:25PM
I think we are doomed to remain on this discussion post lol I cannot find your profile either
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Comment #23 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 1:55PM
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Comment #25 by Ranger323 in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 2:36PM
Looking f orward to
Hearing from you
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Comment #31 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 2:51PM
Done .....
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Comment #37 by bdf2 in response to Ranger323 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 3:08PM
Comment #38 by nzniki in response to QueenD ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 6:29PM
Wow, sounds like his bag of tricks alright as this has been an ongoing thing and for some reason, I kept smelling a rat and never got that far. But persistence beats resistance apparently ughhh..glad you sussed him out x
Comment #39 by nzniki in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 6:33PM
Glad that this group can and does help women at least make their own mind up once ya know all the red flags that have been raised by others. For that I'm grateful x
Comment #40 by bdf2 in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 27-Jul-21 6:43PM
And thank you. This site has its benefits but also brings out some suspicious characters as well. All sites have those. I was sought out by two scammers at the end of last year. One went so far as being reported to the police, the other keeps popping up on other sites same age, same profile pics but different name and location so obviously a well orchestrated system. Though slipped up one time and started the same chat up line as if they have not seen me before.
Comment #41 by nzniki in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 28-Jul-21 1:09AM
Ha had the exact same thing a couple times. You're right, I think they work in shifts or something Haha. But, they're a bit thick...I'm ocd, so not so hard to trick. And tbh,the wording is a dead giveaway. Pity that all affiliates of this site,(Ya know the one's they sell our info to)...cant also be linked by the same name and shame group. But also remember that there must always be room for each member to be able to defend oneself from any accusation raised too 🙂
Comment #42 by bdf2 in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 28-Jul-21 1:18AM
Agree they have a right to defend. The wording is the giveaway indeed. Some start off in perfect English but they start saying "my dear" they get blocked immediately.

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