Be weary of these members!
Community page.
Discussion - started by penny21xd, posted on 29-Oct-18 4:58PM
I suspect this is a guy pretending to be a couple. Messaged me repeatedly asking to meet that day, then got really abusive and blocked me when I said I wasn't interested. Then may have messaged me from another account asking the same shit. Beware.

Showing comments 1 through 31 out of 31 comments

Comment #1 by reecemk in response to the main topic
Posted on 5-Nov-18 4:10PM
message from them asking for a meet up he/they seemed really keen then they blocked me lol bloody weird if you ask me. They weren't abusive or anything but definitely a time waster
Comment #2 by fred2134 in response to reecemk ( view post )
Posted on 5-Nov-18 7:56PM
I have met them they are a bit different but nice people.
Comment #3 by thenakedginger in response to the main topic
Posted on 6-Nov-18 3:01PM
Also been chatting with them...always the guy
Think they're genuine...he just has his way of going about things which can be off putting.
Best times I've had on here have been spur of the moment impulsive meets....not endless repetitive questions
Comment #4 by takeus in response to reecemk ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 5:47PM
You took ages to return your messages. You are not our type. Get over it
Comment #5 by takeus in response to thenakedginger ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 5:47PM
So why did you block us???
Comment #6 by takeus in response to the main topic
Posted on 6-Nov-18 5:48PM
We ARE a couple. You didn't even respond to our message so how can you comment on us?
Comment #7 by apjose19 in response to the main topic
Posted on 6-Nov-18 5:56PM
The same, this guy asked for pic, and then he got abusive saying that I am pic hunter. But who asked for for pic was him lol crazy guy beware
Comment #8 by genuine_sex in response to the main topic
Posted on 6-Nov-18 5:57PM
This thread should be removed, they have been verified by someone as real and its a bit rude to be insulting their name, after all the topic was suspicions they were not a couple and obviously they are a couple.
Too many men react poorly to questions for screening purposes or rejection.
Comment #9 by thenakedginger in response to takeus ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:00PM
Had the same conversations awhile back and you're still banging on about the same questions.
I think your good folks and would like to play sometime but you can only answer the same stuff so often ie yes I'm over 7"
All the best to you both
Posted on 6-Nov-18 5:58PM
Message us and let's meet tonight
Comment #11 by takeus in response to genuine_sex ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 5:59PM
Thank you xxx
Comment #12 by takeus in response to apjose19 ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 5:59PM
You refused to show a pic. You kept asking us for ours then said you don't show pics.
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:04PM
....and we have not blocked you
Comment #14 by Sticky2835 in response to the main topic
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:04PM
Im pretty sure that theyre real... they just dont like mucking around with small talk and stupid questions...
Comment #15 by takeus in response to Sticky2835 ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:05PM
Thank you. Very true
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:16PM
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:19PM
Thank you x
Comment #18 by apjose19 in response to takeus ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:26PM
Are you that I asked for pic ? Lol I can send here the messages print. Be truer please.
Comment #19 by takeus in response to apjose19 ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:27PM
Comment #20 by Tattooed in response to apjose19 ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:29PM
Can you translate that for us English speakers please
Comment #21 by takeus in response to apjose19 ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:30PM
You need to purchase a dictionary
Comment #22 by apjose19 in response to Tattooed ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:38PM
English is not my mother language, sorry by mistakes
Comment #23 by apjose19 in response to Tattooed ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:40PM
I mean that I didn?t ask for any pic, and he should be true
Comment #24 by takeus in response to apjose19 ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 6:42PM
Let it go now mate.
Comment #25 by reecemk in response to takeus ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 7:47PM
I'm pretty sure I answered your questions straight away.
It's just weird that you would message me just to block me mid conversation I wasn't being rude.
I'm glad we both agree we aren't each others type.
Good luck in future endeavours.

Comment #26 by reecemk in response to genuine_sex ( view post )
Posted on 6-Nov-18 7:59PM
I wasn't rejected and I'm aware enough that not everyone is compatible. I didn't say if they were actually a couple or not all I've pointed out is that they like asking questions then block u thus being a 'timewaster'
Comment #27 by Ecuptits in response to genuine_sex ( view post )
Posted on 14-Nov-18 5:45PM
I agree this post should be taken down they seem to be nice people but as normal guys are the quick ones to judge
Posted on 15-Nov-18 7:24PM
Hi takeus I appreciate the photo I was at work when you sent it I am interested in having fun with you both if you are I can't message you in personally as unfortunately I was blocked from messaging you I'm not into wasting time I work evenings that's all anyway if you are still interested please message me and unblock so I can reply
Posted on 24-Nov-18 7:13PM
They blocked me when I cld meet with out more organising lol
I?m at Diverities now for the night xxx
Comment #30 by Stalinsayswhat in response to the main topic
Posted on 20-Jun-19 3:41PM
I have met them. They are polite and friendly.
They are over the time wasters on here and let's face it, who isn't.
I think they have left the site now because of all the shit.

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