Be weary of these members!
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Discussion - started by nzniki, posted on 4-Feb-19 1:45PM
has anyone had any run in's with a time waster of everest proportions named Simone from wellington? who runs hot as hell when she's trying to get your attention and then as soon as you actually want to take it further and arrange to meet up she comes up with so many bs excuses not to meet, completely the opposite of what she had already said in the beginning. very frustrating and i believe she is a catfishing liar with what seems like generic porn pics on her profile. steer clear is my advice as she will tell you exactly what you want to hear and then turn it all around on you.

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Comment #14 by Niceguy53 in response to Sammypain ( view post )
Posted on 4-Feb-19 5:59PM
Cn I report u for having a false profile pic. Imagine being so desperate that u have to have some1 else's cock as ur pic haha lololol
Comment #15 by Niceguy53 in response to Sammypain ( view post )
Posted on 4-Feb-19 6:01PM
I'm going to ignore u now. Bye bye
Comment #16 by Paknsavetrolley in response to the main topic
Posted on 4-Feb-19 6:24PM
Full of shit on an epic level
My money is it?s a guy wanting off behind keyboard
Posted on 4-Feb-19 6:28PM
Why do men feel the need to attack each other's man hood? There is nothing wrong with his size. Size is not everything you need to know how to use it aswell as the rest of your body.
Comment #18 by Funlovers in response to Niceguy53 ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 4:53PM
So are they your pics on your profile or not?
Posted on 5-Feb-19 5:17PM
Why do you think niceguy53 pics are not of him?
Posted on 5-Feb-19 5:30PM
Sorry ...I meant sammypain...
Comment #21 by Niceguy53 in response to Funlovers ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 5:43PM
Yes they r. Why u ask?
Comment #22 by Funlovers in response to Niceguy53 ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 5:45PM
Apologies ....I meant that question for sammypain xx
Comment #23 by Niceguy53 in response to Funlovers ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 5:46PM
Oh OK lol. Algood
Comment #24 by Niceguy53 in response to Funlovers ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 5:48PM
Do u like my pics lol
Comment #25 by Funlovers in response to Niceguy53 ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 5:52PM
Very nice...
Comment #26 by Niceguy53 in response to Funlovers ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 6:00PM
Why thank u xx. I love ur boobs
Comment #27 by Niceguy53 in response to Funlovers ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 6:05PM
Can I pm u plz?
Comment #28 by Funlovers in response to Niceguy53 ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 6:16PM
Thanks but only playing with couples atm xxx
Comment #29 by Niceguy53 in response to Funlovers ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 6:26PM
OK. Algood xx
Comment #30 by nzniki in response to the main topic
Posted on 5-Feb-19 7:23PM
have reported this profile as fake. i'm surprised other's haven't yet to be honest. be interesting to see what happens next..
Comment #31 by Niceguy53 in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 7:32PM
Some1 else has reported her too hun
Comment #32 by nzniki in response to Niceguy53 ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 7:34PM
that's great to know. it should come as no surprise to the moderators then. i'm wondering why there is no black mark against the profile...
Comment #33 by Niceguy53 in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 7:37PM
Makes u wonder eh. Is it all bout money with them?
Comment #34 by nzniki in response to Niceguy53 ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 7:41PM
i think that even though they know it's fake, it still brings men to the site...
Comment #35 by Niceguy53 in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 5-Feb-19 7:44PM
Yea true. That's so wrong
Comment #36 by icui4cu69 in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 6-Feb-19 1:13AM
What they need to do is track down their up address and then ban that up address from accessing the website. Which is possible but don?t think it has been done.
Or even the email but then one can change their email just like that.
Posted on 6-Feb-19 8:21AM
They do that on nzd
Posted on 6-Feb-19 10:16AM
This site is all about $$$$$

They need full time moderators
Posted on 6-Feb-19 10:57AM
you hit the nail on the head there girl.
Posted on 6-Feb-19 11:58AM
Yup ...seen it for years on here .....
Comment #41 by Snagglepuss in response to the main topic
Posted on 13-Mar-19 6:39PM
Yeh, we had pretty much the same experience as you with this person, people like that really piss us off !
Posted on 13-Mar-19 7:51PM
And alot of the others have left because of the admin on this site
Comment #43 by Twinprops in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 13-Mar-19 8:44PM
Dont Usualy get into CHATS HERE ! For me ! I have reported ONLY 3 ! Profiles over several years on this site ! First Was Removed all most instantly By ADMIM .
Second was Black Marked quickly By AMIN ? Third . could not Nail down RE Profiles for a DAY or so in FREE Profile section ? .but have meet n made a few FWBS etc here and still in comms with a few .
Comment #44 by Mercutio in response to the main topic
Posted on 13-Mar-19 9:38PM
I have to say there's a bit of a lynch job mentality going on here, but then that's because some can't wait to take offence on here (not you nzniki,I understand why you are frustrated at her, I've been there too) . Yes, there are many guys on her posing as women and couples but I can tell you Simone is genuine. I'm not her resident apologist so I won't get into how she communicates etc but she is a woman. Those are her pics. There's not going to be a hanging today.
comment #45 was clobbered
Comment #46 by Caldus in response to the main topic
Posted on 10-Oct-19 3:11PM
This muppet never gives up. Simone is most likey named Simon and lives in their mother's basement.
I thought he'd finally disappeared... but maybe not. There was several threads made about this particular catfish.
Comment #47 by Caldus in response to Magic_Hands ( view post )
Posted on 10-Oct-19 3:12PM
Haha. That'll be the day!
Comment #48 by Caldus in response to Magic_Hands ( view post )
Posted on 10-Oct-19 3:14PM
I noticed that. So many of the other working girls have left. I haven't had a paid advert on here for over a year. I had a client seriously assault me from this site and admin refuse to give him a black mark.
Comment #49 by Caldus in response to Mercutio ( view post )
Posted on 10-Oct-19 3:15PM
Well you must be the only person that "Simone" has ever met in person.
Comment #50 by Funlovers in response to Caldus ( view post )
Posted on 15-Oct-19 8:45AM
His account mysteriously closed.....
Comment #51 by G-Man in response to Funlovers ( view post )
Posted on 15-Oct-19 5:21PM
Make a bold statement, get called out as BS, close account and disappear. Lol dick head.
Comment #52 by kiwitackle67 in response to Caldus ( view post )
Posted on 17-Oct-19 2:38AM
"mothers" probably at her wits end by now and hidden the keys , sad waste of a perfectly good basement haha
Comment #53 by Jessica68 in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 17-Oct-19 7:35AM
Hello darling for photos people put up as their profile pict:Samsung do have a good app built into their photo where it breaks it into capture points an looks on line for picture an or similar ones.Think its called goggle lens.Sorry not 100% guarantee but it a start to getting some of these people that love to ghost others:As you say pain in arse# not the nice kind.x
Comment #54 by PhoebeX2U in response to the main topic
Posted on 10-Dec-19 9:29PM
Great call out on this!! You nailed it completely!
Comment #55 by nzniki in response to PhoebeX2U ( view post )
Posted on 10-Dec-19 9:38PM
oh really? you've had similar encounters? or possible but then bs after bs until it just peter's out? just a bit cray cray after the initial full on'ness aye? is it literally going on or an oldie? apparently i'm not the only one so i'm not going crazy haha
Comment #56 by PhoebeX2U in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 10-Dec-19 9:42PM
Totally exsctly how you described in full!
Story teller of bull crap lol ..
Comment #57 by nzniki in response to PhoebeX2U ( view post )
Posted on 10-Dec-19 9:50PM
i f*cking knew i wasn't going crazy lols. like i've said before, this ain't my first rodeo and i've never been treated like that from some "so called gal" haha. just was so much like what you'd hear from a play boy story or as fuck then cold as cold grrr. f*cking time waster! hope all is good with you anyhoo x
Comment #58 by PhoebeX2U in response to nzniki ( view post )
Posted on 10-Dec-19 9:57PM
Agreed ..yes im great thank you
Hope you dont go through that agaij
Comment #59 by nzniki in response to PhoebeX2U ( view post )
Posted on 10-Dec-19 10:01PM
haha ditto! and thank you too sexy lady! basically i'm only going through bs and fuck arounds from men these days ughhh fml lols. have a great xmas time and a very naughty holidaze! xxx
Comment #60 by MissClaire in response to the main topic
Posted on 13-Jul-20 10:11PM
She’s a fake dude I just blocked her and reported her
Comment #61 by medic in response to MissClaire ( view post )
Posted on 14-Jul-20 9:50AM
Good morning...I'm real and this is me 😉
Posted on 10-Aug-20 9:13AM
I think Mercutio is one of her fake profiles. How sad.
Posted on 10-Aug-20 8:32PM
I reckon

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