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Stu71's interests
Stu71 (Stuart)
Christchurch City, Canterbury Region, New Zealand
Safe Sex! This member prefers & practices safe sex
Interested in hearing from Women, Couples
Straight Male, 53 (Divorced)
Friendship and/or sex (i will meet anyone in person)

Chatty man

The first thing you should all know is that I ALWAYS turn up when I say I will (u know wot I'm talking about...)

ID Verified!!!

I am intelligent with a GSOH, good manners but I know when to lose them.

I'm happy to chat PM for a long time before meeting. I want to get to know you, I like kissing and cuddling and if the circumstances are right I love what can follow. Clean and discreet. English guy with sexy voice (so i'm told)

I have no upper or lower age range, are you fun? You'll do for me!!

Tell me about yourself, give me something to go on...

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