Read our Privacy Policy
Privacy policy.
Security, privacy and your data
Data policy, pertaining to...
  • Device and internet connection
  • Your approximate geographic location
  • All data that is either manually entered by you in forms or uploaded by you to our server
In accordance with and comliant to The NZ Privacy act 2020,
NZPersonals endeavours to protect all private information, and prevent any unauthorised access. Personal data refers to any information that tells us something about you or that allows us to identify you, including your name, location data, and online identifiers.
Your privacy
NZPersonals does not share any of your private information with any other individuals, websites, or organisations.
Accounts and profiles.
All profiles on NZPersonals are created by real individuals and couples.
Read our Payment Policy
NZPersonals Payment Policies and Procedures. 8-Oct-2024
NZPersonals is a commercial website that is sustained by subscription payments from users for time on this website. This is commonly referred to as Gold Membership.
NZPersonals payment models.
  • Free-use option: All main functions are free to use although limited in functionality.
  • Gold option (paid): Full use of NZPersonals with all enhanced features.
Payment policy.
Three methods of payment are available
  1. Online Poli Payment
  2. Online banking (Bank transfers)
  3. NZPost (AKA Snail mail)
After you have completed your transaction successfully...
You will be upgraded to Gold status. If you don't see any change after your payment, please contact us immediately, and we will assist you.
Renewal policy.
NZPersonals does not offer auto-renewal or any kind of auto-payment options. All fee payments are made manually by the users.
NZPersonals gives an advanced 1 week reminder notification to renew your subscription. You are not obligated to renew. Failure to renew on time will simply result in your account reverting back to the 'free-use' model.
Read our Refund Policy
NZPersonals Refund Policy.
  • Overpayment claims:
    Circumstance: If you selected a subscription period that was greater than you intended.
    You are entitled to claim a partial refund of your overpayment, You have 14 days from the time of your payment to file a refund of your payment. The Process: An account manager will make the correction to your account to reflect the period that you intended to choose, and refund you the difference. The option to request a refund can be found on your receipt.
  • Duplicate payment claims:
    Circumstance: If you accidentally filled out and submitted the payment form twice; resulting in 2 or more successful payments.
    You are entitled to claim a refund of your duplicate payment. You have 14 days from the time of your payment to file a refund of your payment. The Process: An account manager will make the correction to your account to display the correction in your transaction list, and notify you that you've been approved for a refund; please note: if there was any 'convenience fee' that was charged along with your payment, that extra fee is not refundable. A refund will be deposited into your nominated bank account within 7 days of the approval notification. The option to request a refund can be found on your receipt.
Read our Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policy.
You have the right to exercise your statutory right to permanently cancel (close) your account at any time.
Terms and conditions.
Signing up to (and using) NZPersonals requires that you accept the rules that are outlined in this document.
Age Restrictions.
NZPersonals is an R18 adults only website. Anyone under the age of 18 will not be permitted to sign up to this website.
You may not allow anyone under the age of 18 to view or use any part of NZPersonals.
NZPersonals reserves the right to suspend and request ID from anyone who is suspected as underage.
User Restrictions.
Restrictions & Exceptions that apply to all users:
  • You must be a New Zealand citizen/resident living in New Zealand, Australia, or nearby Pacific Islands.
  • You may only have one active account with NZPersonals at any time.1
    Sockpuppet accounts are not permitted.
  • You may not advertise, discuss or promote any unlawful activities, for example, illegal or restricted drug use.
  • Accepting or requesting payments or gifts while operating in the Dating section or Adult Section is strictly forbidden.
  • Offering payments or gifts to members in the Dating or Adult Section is strictly forbidden.
  • You are responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable New Zealand laws and regulations. Refer to Crimes Act 1961
  • Phone numbers, addresses, chat IDs, or e-mail addresses are forbidden from publication.
    Note: the use of real names is strongly discouraged to ensure members' privacy.
  • No names (or addresses) of other services, websites, or products are to be advertised or promoted.
  • Members who are operating in the Dating or Adult sections must not promote/advertise the services of any Sex Worker.
    Doing so would be considered to be Proxy Advertising and you risk being moved into the Sex Worker section or account deletion.
Restrictions & Exceptions that apply to Sex Workers only...
  • You may not sign up to the Dating section or Adult section.
  • Sex workers may only sign up to the Sex Worker section to advertise their product or service.
    Sex workers may not advertise in the Dating or Adult sections.
    Selling products or services while operating in the Dating or Adult Section violates the terms and conditions, you risk being moved into the Sex Worker section or account deletion.
  • Sex workers must provide valid ID as proof of identity, age and citizenship. Click here for more information
  • All Sex workers must comply with the law; as defined by Prostitution Reform Act
  • Sex workers must only offer safe sex options; as per the Health and safety requirements.
The following are permitted only for members of the Sex Worker section:
  • Phone numbers, addresses, chat IDs, e-mail addresses are allowed for sex workers with Gold Membership, but must only be published in the appropriately supplied fields.
  • Names and addresses of other services, websites, products are allowed for sex workers with Gold Membership, but must only be published in the appropriately supplied fields.
  • Sex workers are permitted to advertise their products and services.
Online behaviour (etiquette).
On NZPersonals, "No" means NO! The end.
NZPersonals has zero tolerance for anyone who breaks the following rules:
  • You may not lure other members to another service.
  • You may not pressure any individual or couple to meet you.
  • You may not harass, bully, threaten or abuse others on this site.
  • You may not entice others with money or gifts.
  • You may not stalk other members met on this site.
  • You may not steal money or possessions from others met on this site.
  • You may not physically assault any member of this site.
  • Abuse of NZPersonals staff will also not be tolerated.
In the event that a user with Gold Membership has been deleted or banned from the site, all remaining purchased time shall be waived with no refund.
Content Restrictions.
Offensive materials or Objectionable materials are forbidden.
For the purposes of this document, the word Material(s) refers to written words and digital images posted in public or private on NZPersonals.
Objectionable material is defined in the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993, Films, Videos and Publications Classifications Regulations 1994 and subsequent amendments to that Act.
The following material is banned from NZPersonals
  • Material depicting the exploitation of children as per the above Act.
  • Material depicting non consensual sexual contact.
  • Material depicting incest.
  • Material depicting sexual contact with animals (bestiality).
  • Material depicting bodily waste or blood.
  • Material depicting illegal or restricted drugs, the use of drugs, or the sale/purchase of such drugs.
  • Material depicting hate speech, as defined in the Human Rights Act 1993.
  • Material depicting verbal/physical abuse, threatening behaviour, bullying and the like.
  • Material that contains private information about another individual.
  • Material that incites violence or the harm of any individual or group of people.
  • Misinformation / disinformation / conspiracy theories.
No Copyright material.
Copyright material is prohibited from being uploaded and/or published on this site..
Photos must feature you.  Pictures obtained from another website, picture scan, or other means are not permitted.  Photos that feature other people or artwork created by someone else are subject to permission issues - because of this and the difficulties entailed in obtaining legal permission, we choose not to allow this material.
Legal Responsabilities, Rights and Disclaimers.
  • NZPersonals reserves the right to edit, amend or refuse to publish any material.
  • NZPersonals reserves the right to remove and / or ban any user who does not adhere to the site rules.
  • NZPersonals accepts no responsibility for any messages sent by its members.
  • NZPersonals is not obligated to refund fee payments; due to the fact that subscription time is the product. However, we do have a refund policy that is designed to deal with specific circumstances (learn more about our Refund Policy above).
  • All information on the NZPersonals site and all code used by NZPersonals is copyright and remains the property of NZPersonals and shall not be used in whole or part without the permission of the NZPersonals proprietors.
  • While it is free to sign up, NZPersonals is a commercial website and is sustained by subscription payments from users for time on this website. We allow a certain level of free use, however some enhanced features and pages will remain restricted or limited to Gold Members only. Becoming a Gold Member will enable you to use the more enhanced features of this site.
  • NZPersonals does not pay, or pass on payment to any user of this website.
  • NZPersonals cannot be held responsible for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages arising out of the use of the NZPersonals service.
  • NZPersonals disclaims all liability regardless of the form of any action for the acts or omissions of other members or users.
1. Under some circumstances, an exception to the "one active account" policy may be made only by permission from the NZPersonals Site Administrator. Contact NZPersonals to learn about the special circumstances.

New Zealand Personals - Now in its 26th year, and still going strong
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