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Discussion - started by onemantwo69, posted on 26-Aug-21 2:17PM
Hey guys a lockdown challenge. Report how many erections you get during a day. Feedback age and number of erections and let’s see what the average is by age.
For the wannabes let’s keep it real could be interesting to see.

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Comment #8 by Chambord in response to onemantwo69 ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 10:15AM
Not many must be doing something wrong
Posted on 30-Aug-21 10:15AM
Generally the day ones come without warning so count those not how many times u do something with it thanks
Comment #10 by Mouse in response to onemantwo69 ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 10:47AM
How many times can you cum in one day
Comment #11 by onemantwo69 in response to Mouse ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 11:11AM
I’ve had feed back on that as week as it seems the maximum has been cumming 10 times but that may be talking it up I think. I suspect most guys do it once and a few do it more
Comment #12 by Mouse in response to onemantwo69 ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 11:33AM
I can do 4 loads
Bit score after that lol
Comment #13 by onemantwo69 in response to Mouse ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 12:18PM
Yeah I bet so how man erections do u get a day normally
Comment #14 by Mouse in response to onemantwo69 ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 12:30PM
1-8 on a good day
Normally 2
Posted on 30-Aug-21 1:08PM
Supposedly, according to science or research, the most times a male can cum in a 24 hour period is seven. Read that about seven years ago but can't remember where the info came from
Comment #16 by Mouse in response to chchswing ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 1:11PM
That would be a good day 🤦‍♀️
Posted on 30-Aug-21 1:22PM
True that’s still a lot. How many erections do u think u get in a day?
Posted on 30-Aug-21 2:20PM
Haven't counted. Sometimes if I think about a hot chick I do or if I'm watching porn I do.

The funny thing about the cum statistic is I tried it a couple of times, the last being back in 2015 and the most I got was six, the same as the first time, a few years earlier. No matter how hard I tried (or should that be 'was') I couldn't cum again. Really annoyed me both I couldn't care less lol
Posted on 30-Aug-21 2:28PM
Funny 6 must be the number for u. Count your boners over the next day and get back to me
Comment #20 by Cheekies in response to the main topic
Posted on 30-Aug-21 5:05PM
Now this is an entertaining yet interesting discussion guys - as you were 😉
Posted on 30-Aug-21 7:53PM
Lol glad we are able to entertain
Comment #22 by james_nz in response to Mouse ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 8:30PM
the mind is willing but the flesh is spongey and bruised
Comment #23 by onemantwo69 in response to james_nz ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 9:39PM
So how many do u thick u would typically get
Comment #24 by chchswing in response to Mouse ( view post )
Posted on 30-Aug-21 9:57PM
Yeah you're right there
Posted on 2-Sep-21 9:22AM
So it seems the average is 7 over a day.
Comment #26 by Sex_is_Life in response to the main topic
Posted on 2-Sep-21 2:59PM
Haven't counted, but yes I have been getting a lot of erections 😃
Thanks to lockdown!
Comment #27 by bdf2 in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 2-Sep-21 3:10PM
Thought the same thing
Posted on 2-Sep-21 5:26PM
Sorry forgot to get back to you...had 12
Posted on 2-Sep-21 8:54PM
Hit the record mate next best was 11 but quite a few guys round 2 or 3
Posted on 2-Sep-21 8:55PM
Have a count and see what u come up with
Comment #31 by Cheekies in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 2-Sep-21 8:58PM
Great minds 😌
Posted on 2-Sep-21 10:21PM
Lol don't ask about the day after...I would have been lucky to get to six!!!
Comment #33 by bdf2 in response to chchswing ( view post )
Posted on 2-Sep-21 10:28PM
Posted on 3-Sep-21 7:16AM
So see what u average over 3 or 4 days
Comment #35 by Bottomslut in response to Juicycock ( view post )
Posted on 6-Sep-21 9:20AM
Can't wait til Level 2, I'm going to swallow the cum from that good looking cock.....have a hard on now...42
Comment #36 by Down2fuck in response to the main topic
Posted on 12-May-24 4:09AM
Y I keep getting hard over gay porn ×10 faster then normal porn ? Am I gay or curious
Comment #37 by Kapiti4fun in response to the main topic
Posted on 11-May-24 4:51PM
55 years old. Minimum of two, but if on here or other sites, 4 or 5
Comment #38 by Down2fuck in response to the main topic
Posted on 12-May-24 4:21AM
Who's had sex with condom and wished they never
Posted on 13-May-24 9:19PM
Only u know in your heart the answer to that
Comment #40 by Inneedoffun in response to the main topic
Posted on 14-May-24 5:51AM
1 or 2 a day on average.
But often sometimes for 3 or 4 days , i get super Horny, my cock seems to be half hard all day. And my knobhead will tingle nonstop with horniness. And my cock jyst has to be satisfied or times a day. By fucking or wanking or toys, those days i cant seem to stop having to cum.
Comment #41 by Biguycrom in response to Down2fuck ( view post )
Posted on 15-May-24 5:26PM
Don’t put a label on it, if you enjoy watching, enjoy it. Get hard and enjoy yourself.
Comment #42 by Biguycrom in response to the main topic
Posted on 15-May-24 5:34PM
Got one right now, the early morning ones are good when you wake up hard, love edging and getting the precum flowing then the alarm goes off so I head off to the bathroom with a hard one.
58 3-5 a day.
Posted on 19-May-24 1:41PM
Mmmmmmmmmm nice
Comment #44 by Juleigh1975 in response to the main topic
Posted on 19-May-24 1:41PM
What a fun post lol
Comment #45 by Wayno88 in response to the main topic
Posted on 1-Jun-24 1:49PM
41 years. I wake every morning with a morning wood. Multiple erection during the day. Could be up to 10 times. I find it very hard to concentrate if I don’t cum once a day either from wanking or sex. Unsure if this is normal but that’s been me since very young age
Comment #46 by onemantwo69 in response to Wayno88 ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jun-24 8:07AM
I think that’s more than most guys but great to hear
Comment #47 by Juleigh1975 in response to Wayno88 ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jun-24 9:59AM
Yum! 🍆🍆
Comment #48 by Pino9 in response to the main topic
Posted on 2-Jun-24 12:50PM
I would say I’m around 10 a day especially recently I’ve been very horny recently
Comment #49 by Juleigh1975 in response to Pino9 ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jun-24 12:51PM
Mmmmmmm 10 😘😘
Comment #50 by Pino9 in response to Juleigh1975 ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jun-24 8:12PM
Wow what a beautiful lady. If only I was in wellington
Comment #51 by onemantwo69 in response to Pino9 ( view post )
Posted on 3-Jun-24 8:56PM
It’s an age thing man lots of testosterone pumping at your age
Comment #52 by INApeace in response to the main topic
Posted on 4-Jun-24 7:41PM
Interesting group of answers? I’m 43 and it averages about three times a day inc the morning wood. But they are the ones when my mind drifts onto naughty things and my imagination is too much for my brain to quell. I’d rather know how many one can sustain at a given age when actually in the act… I’m all shot out at five in a row? Lol as all good gunmen know always carry your Colt on an empty chamber 🤠 🤣
Comment #53 by onemantwo69 in response to INApeace ( view post )
Posted on 7-Jun-24 6:20AM
Hey good idea man let’s find out from others. It does definitely drop off with age
Posted on 7-Jun-24 6:58AM
Fir me it all depends in the mood, frame of mind and stress levels (work can really have an effect). Sometimes its a couple a day, sometimes a half dozen and on a good edging day, might be hard for several hours straight.
Posted on 7-Jun-24 9:06AM
Medication hold a big effect too. Tired, listless, no desire.
Comment #56 by Hungaluga in response to the main topic
Posted on 7-Jun-24 10:16AM
Late 30s. It's hard when there's no I decent round. I can get hard on command in right mood right company. Havnt found anyone yet that can handle me over the years all my ex been all talk. Hung & girthy I dont get sex often but when I do I make it worth it.
Comment #57 by Gamechanger in response to Pino9 ( view post )
Posted on 7-Jun-24 10:46AM
I wish I was around for half of those

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