General discussions & events
Community page.
Owned and operated by nzpersonals


You must log in if you want to be part of this group.


This is a place for discussing any kind of topic, as long as it complies with our rules.
We encourage members to contribute to the topics and have a bit of fun. If you don't like the topics posted in this group, then you can always "unjoin" and find another group that is more to your liking.

Moderators of General Discussions & events will delete any post that breaks the rules, and they have the right to suspend or ban members who continually break the rules.
Members who are blocking any of the moderators will be booted out until they sort things out maturely in private.

Rules of this group

Keep it friendly!
No bitching or arguing. NO advertising, soliciting or promoting services, and no booty-call posts. No trolling, antagonising, or winding up of other members. NO phone numbers or any other external contact details!
If you experience any abuse from others, then please contact the group managers or report a complaint to admin.

Community Managers (5)

Group owner
Group manager
Group manager
Group manager
Group manager

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