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Fantasy fwb vs relationship material ??
Discussion - started by Jess-66, posted on 12-Mar-24 2:10PM
Everytime I think of what I would like in a FWB situation, it always ends up with being a - male, 'average' body type, extrovert etc, yet when I think of what I would want in a relationship its always a bigger lad, introvert, I don't even care about d!ck size!
WHY IS THIS?! I've always wondered why I have two different ideals.

Showing comments 1 through 6 out of 6 comments

Comment #1 by Newhorizons in response to the main topic
Posted on 12-Mar-24 2:26PM
🤷🏻‍♂️ can you tell me the right answer before I comment 😂😂😂
Comment #2 by badboy14 in response to the main topic
Posted on 12-Mar-24 3:39PM
Only you can tell us hon! But variety is the spice of life!
Comment #3 by 01James in response to the main topic
Posted on 13-Mar-24 8:24PM
maybe your two 'standards' give you the answer?
your FWB are average build, extrovert.. easy to get NSA fun from.
possibly you see the 'BIG' lad, introvert, as the one who isn't likely to go off 'NSA' behind your back?(husband material).
Comment #4 by In2MeIC in response to the main topic
Posted on 25-Apr-24 7:13PM
Do you think it has something to do with what your own perceptions and expectations are of each role, FWB and/or Relationship, as the two are mutually exclusive?

When I’ve taken the time to explore my own innermost desires and fantasies, within my own heart and mind, I’ve imagined a “type” fir one role and another “type” for a different scenario, and the two personas I’ve encountered each experience with in my imagination, are vastly different.

For me, there’s no right or wrong about this.

It is what it is, but if you REALLY want one and the same person facilitating both roles with and for you, I’d start playing out each scenario in your heart and mind with the same person, because the imagination showcases the coming events of our lives.

It’s that powerful, so have fun with that 😉
Comment #5 by Cheekies in response to In2MeIC ( view post )
Posted on 26-Apr-24 7:30AM
Well said :)

Having had many fwbs all shapes and sizes I was able to meet many of my fantasies. Go for whichever works for you.
Comment #6 by In2MeIC in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 26-Apr-24 4:15PM
Thank you, and agreed.

Given that we’re all so unique and different, I find it interesting that many of us like to compare our experiences and experience of life to others, and berate ourselves when shit doesn’t show up how or like we want it.

News Flash: It can’t and it won’t, because of our individual uniqueness.

We’ve all been sold a “one size fits all” agenda, as a means for control.

I say break with tradition and start honouring who you are. Who each of us is, for our own selves, and watch the magic unfold … 😉

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