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Discussion - started by Mchammertime411, posted on 27-Mar-24 9:09PM
Man, this site has become a massive sausage fest. Its easier to find a sausage than a taco.
Yes I am aware of the irony of my sausage being my profile pic, but while I'm here to browse, I've really noticed the overall female population has decreased (excluding messages)

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Comment #35 by evets in response to Tasty1 ( view post )
Posted on 30-Apr-24 7:22AM
Hell, I dont expect it but I will freely admit thats why me and every other guy is here
Comment #36 by bdf2 in response to evets ( view post )
Posted on 30-Apr-24 8:25AM
Comment #37 by robbierabbit in response to Tasty1 ( view post )
Posted on 30-Apr-24 1:28PM
Haha. Yep found that. It's almost unique to this site.
They either want to wear woman's clothes or be some sniveling little sub.
Absolutely turns us off. Where are the real men
Posted on 30-Apr-24 3:56PM
“Where are the real men” as he enthusiastically raises his hand while he reads this…lol.
Comment #39 by evets in response to robbierabbit ( view post )
Posted on 30-Apr-24 5:23PM
There's one here. I may like the occasional cock but I still fart,belch,drink beer and tell filthy jokes.Haha.And I don't follow the masses blindly.
Posted on 30-Apr-24 6:51PM
I might be torn to shreds here and actually this doesn't apply to me as my wife Died years ago, but mostly the reason older married men are on here to find sex is because their wives have shut the shop.
Leave the shop open then they don't have any reason to cheat. Wives own fault really.

If the shop is still open, then, yes, in my opinion, cheating is really bad.
Comment #41 by Nakey1 in response to Hereforyou ( view post )
Posted on 30-Apr-24 7:01PM
Dont be fooled alot of the cheating men on here think thete wives dont know whats up , they are not stupid most of them do and that is why they may have shut the shop . Ever think that she maybe out getting thrashed letting you think that she is someplace else ,
Comment #42 by bdf2 in response to Nakey1 ( view post )
Posted on 30-Apr-24 10:04PM
Comment #43 by Pornlover in response to Hereforyou ( view post )
Posted on 1-May-24 8:46AM
I agree - just because we get old doesnt mean we all no longer crave sensual touch. Touching isnt the same as love so i dont see why its a bad thing to seek this elsewhere when our partners dont want to.
Posted on 1-May-24 1:16PM
Maybe it's the deceit.
You don't see it as a bad thing but are probably doing it behind your partners back and lying to him or her
Comment #45 by INApeace in response to Jss003 ( view post )
Posted on 1-May-24 5:33PM
Very true Jss003. I myself am also a verified member of an American hosted website / chat site very similar to this one (on an much much bigger scale) and I kid you not although you can still use / hide behind a nickname you require a verifiable photo ID / an online photo of YOU holding your code etc to even join that site. everything you say and do WILL be recorded lol! But on the flip side the people I’ve met with have been more genuine less pushy and most importantly respectful. It has its bad eggs to but the Mods usually keep them in check. Of cause this means there are also a lot of women on that site :) all having a good time and doing their own thing.
One thing everyone likes universally is been shown some Respect :) be kinder and good things happen
Comment #46 by Jss003 in response to INApeace ( view post )
Posted on 1-May-24 6:11PM
Wow! That is transparency
Comment #47 by StHone in response to G-Man ( view post )
Posted on 1-May-24 6:29PM
Social media benefits the searchers. Expands horizons exponentially compared to the old days...back then you were limited to people you met. Now you get to filter through thousands and meet a selection. And most of them are going to be dumped and you barrow down to a select few. Searchers have to write a decent accurate attractive profile then be ruthless in deleting, ignoring, blocking. But still be open to conversations with possibles, meetings with probables, and whatever turns you on after that..
Comment #48 by Jss003 in response to StHone ( view post )
Posted on 1-May-24 6:44PM
Is there such a thing as too much choice in this area? (Not that I suffer from that problem, unfortunately.)
Comment #49 by evets in response to Jss003 ( view post )
Posted on 1-May-24 7:16PM
Why pick on just this area? We have way too much choice right across our whole lives and yet we are more dissatisfied than ever. I have just come to realise in the past few days that I have great life and although financially I am not well off, I am still a lucky bloke and I need to be happy with that. So thats me,Ive had enough of all this bullshit. when my sub expires I am gone.
Comment #50 by Jss003 in response to evets ( view post )
Posted on 1-May-24 8:00PM
Well sure, but I don't think you quite got my point. I don't actually have much choice - as I said. If you truly were leaving on a matter of principle, you'd leave immediately.
Posted on 2-May-24 7:16PM
Would you mind sending us the website your talking about we be interested in checking it out
Posted on 3-May-24 8:06AM
Wow, interesting discussion?
Posted on 3-May-24 9:55AM
Am I wrong though???
You're here, older, not a single man and keen to fuck around.
Posted on 4-May-24 6:51AM
You are not "wrong"?
comment #55 was clobbered
comment #56 was clobbered
Posted on 4-May-24 7:00AM
As I said earlier,
"A very interesting discussion"?
Posted on 4-May-24 1:14PM
Sure you do.

It's just seems quite the coincidence men over 60 all think the same way you do.

What I'd like to know is would your wife be fine with your explanation on why it's fine to cheat on her.
Posted on 4-May-24 2:18PM
If you feel that justifies your actions then all good.
You could just call it cheating and be done with it.
Posted on 4-May-24 2:22PM
I think that I would sooner do it this way than to; take a lady home and do it in our bed while she was present?

What sort of reaction do you think would eventuate?
I respect and love my wife eternally. However like most teenage men/boys, I have working hormones that need to be addressed, and I feel that this is a logical way to achieve that.
Posted on 4-May-24 2:37PM
Your excuses that make you feel better about fucking around is just that.

Your math ain't mathing and is illogical to my way of thinking...

If you truly respected or loved your wife, you'd let her know you're on here so she can make an informed decision if she's happy to continue your farce of a marriage or to start divorce proceedings.

The lies people tell themselves, pathetic....
Posted on 4-May-24 2:45PM
Who said that "I feel good about it"?
Posted on 4-May-24 2:46PM
You are making a lot of "asumptions" about how others choose to live?
Posted on 4-May-24 2:50PM
Sorry Prescious, you are coming across as a "one person, FUCK PATROL"???
Posted on 4-May-24 3:04PM
SORRY, "Proactively-seeking, If that is truely the way you feel, it is my opinion that you have registered on the WRONG dating site for your requirements and ideas?
This site as far as I am aware is for those, "SEEKING SEX", not dispising those who are doing it?
Posted on 4-May-24 3:56PM
No assumptions, i just used the info you yourself provided on this thread.
This site is for more than just sex.

If it didn't feel good, you wouldn't be doing it.

Feel free to stop talking shit and trying to make excuses.
Posted on 4-May-24 7:11PM
Sorry, I do NOT have to make excuses to appease you? As I have already iterated, This site is set up for ADULTS to make choices, and meet and make friends.

If it is NOT what you like? Why are you on here? Dictating to others, on how you see their relationships, even though they really do NOT involve you in any way? As I said before are you the "INFIDELITY POLICE", JUDGE and jury that you can tell other adults how to behave?
Or are you just a BIGGOT?
Posted on 4-May-24 7:13PM
(Mis-spelled), BIGOT?
Posted on 4-May-24 7:35PM
Not at all.

Just disgusted in your attempt to make it sound less atrocious then what it is.

Looking for a wet hole for your usage before running back home to your wife.

No wonder she has no interest in sleeping with you.


That's what you get online,and everyone has a right to voice their opinions.

And you are pathetic.

Posted on 5-May-24 8:04AM
Comment #71 by Jubilation in response to 01Tehoro ( view post )
Posted on 9-May-24 9:19PM
🍿...Bring on some more. Great discussion.
Comment #72 by Jss003 in response to Jubilation ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 6:49AM
An exchange of views anyway. Hardly a discussion.
Comment #73 by 01Tehoro in response to Jubilation ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 10:21AM
Posted on 10-May-24 10:40AM
I agree it is a form of "cheating".
Comment #75 by 01Tehoro in response to Jubilation ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 10:47AM
Well that discussion turned from interesting;
to F-----n, "I can JUDGE you", in a few short sentences?
Comment #76 by 01Tehoro in response to Jss003 ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 10:48AM
I thought that to people, expressing their opinions to each other was "a discussion"?
Comment #77 by 01Tehoro in response to 01Tehoro ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 10:51AM
Very interesting to see other peoples point of views.

It does not bode well if one side then deletes their points of view, and leaves others to ponder the "replies"
Comment #78 by 01Tehoro in response to 01Tehoro ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 10:53AM
COOL debate, it shows how shallow some people can come across as being?
Comment #79 by Jss003 in response to 01Tehoro ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 1:03PM
Not really when they are talking post each other.
Comment #80 by 01Tehoro in response to Jss003 ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 3:00PM
More of a "chat/debate"?
Comment #81 by Jss003 in response to 01Tehoro ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 6:43PM
Probably. Actually, I shouldn't have made the comment. Nitpicking on form rather than content.
Comment #82 by 01Tehoro in response to Jss003 ( view post )
Posted on 10-May-24 6:56PM
No problem.
It was the accuser that pee'd me off big time.
Yours was just a correction of my mis-interpretation.
All good my friend.
Posted on 23-May-24 9:04AM
I am a straight, older, REAL guy, who is not interested in other men or shims.
I think experience and patience are both good atributes.
Comment #84 by 01Tehoro in response to Jubilation ( view post )
Posted on 23-May-24 9:07AM
Yes exactly, who is the sex police/adjudicator?

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