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Openminded feedback sought! good or bad
Discussion - started by Charlee, posted on 16-Apr-24 3:06PM
Ive a cuple spare bedrooms in my home & an Idea of fitting out one as a private gloryhole and wait room ,located a short commute from the city centre in a peaceful place called berhampore .relief and a smile through suck n swallow sessions thru a hole two times a week is an approach of format from convos with the swallower ..
1 eve and 1 day per week
The overall gloryhole experience is somewhat a dynamic of a multiple kinks and venue in one spot all for absolute drivrn purpose ...contextually this arose as a hyper sexual idea from my enthusiastic sexy 28 bbw pawg friend and her mouth desires to literally swallow enough cum to fill her wants .. i being the gentleman i am seek curiosities from the discussion page on interest and clarity around rough expectations if any in hopes too offer some feedback to her
My Method .. chapz min will be sought with a limit of (tbd as a living document) spread over a cuple hours of opening .
A simple “aye or nay” would gauge the masses statistically 😊feedback asked for and welcomed rspectfully and i again ask anyone too please offer to the think tank below however you feel .this is no more then a simple idea not services or soliciting happy to remove parts if needed

Showing comments 1 through 27 out of 27 comments

Comment #1 by Waywitty in response to the main topic
Posted on 17-Apr-24 4:31AM
Comment #2 by bradshaw in response to the main topic
Posted on 19-Apr-24 9:27PM
That’s a fantastic idea, I’m sure this would be hugely popular.
Comment #3 by Loveit11 in response to bradshaw ( view post )
Posted on 19-Apr-24 10:10PM
Comment #4 by 54pkup in response to the main topic
Posted on 20-Apr-24 10:09AM
Aye. But where is berhampore? Never heard of it.
comment #5 was clobbered
Comment #6 by ronswanson in response to the main topic
Posted on 20-Apr-24 1:01PM
You ok with older guys? Sounds like a great idea.
Comment #7 by bdf2 in response to 54pkup ( view post )
Posted on 20-Apr-24 2:49PM
Wellington ..... South of what used to be Athelic Park.
Comment #8 by Ifeelyou in response to the main topic
Posted on 20-Apr-24 3:34PM
Love to com try it out when you up and running
Comment #9 by Living4Pleasure in response to the main topic
Posted on 21-Apr-24 7:28AM
Comment #10 by RickBoynes in response to the main topic
Posted on 21-Apr-24 9:52AM
Aye. Great idea mate
Comment #11 by eight in response to the main topic
Posted on 21-Apr-24 1:21PM
Comment #12 by Ready in response to eight ( view post )
Posted on 21-Apr-24 3:31PM
Great idea,I would use it If I was invited!!
Comment #13 by Jbeez in response to the main topic
Posted on 25-Apr-24 7:56PM
Comment #14 by wantinsum in response to the main topic
Posted on 25-Apr-24 9:20PM
I'd say glory holds are a bit transmissive of stds
Comment #15 by daver in response to the main topic
Posted on 29-May-24 1:27AM
Count us in too! How are plans going?
Comment #16 by Cockready in response to the main topic
Posted on 29-May-24 2:19AM
Yes... Aye... Can I say to the lady that she is a goddess of cock for giving into her cock n cum addiction and jus been a total slut. Love it. Can I offer my tongue as a warm wet seat for her as she gives cock the sucking it needs
Comment #17 by Georgieboy in response to the main topic
Posted on 29-May-24 10:44AM
Maybe make the wait room a wank room, with porn playing on a TV? Wank while you wait?
Comment #18 by Charlee in response to wantinsum ( view post )
Posted on 30-May-24 4:44PM
Valid .valuable context sir
Comment #19 by Charlee in response to Georgieboy ( view post )
Posted on 30-May-24 4:55PM
All in all a grwat starting point thank you all for participating .discussion
Perused and valued.however all duely noted ,qualms ,concerns comments il absorb with thanks
.Awaiting Decor and furniture .any donations or possible facets anyones interested in offerin to the case for im open too viewing happy to pay too .. ,
In my open opinion the energy in the room / rooms have too be worthy too all, comforatbiliy and safety /cleanliness is a must for me as I offer discretion on a standard .i wont open any doors till it feels purposeful and all these valuable points can be accounted for

Comment #20 by Charlee in response to bdf2 ( view post )
Posted on 30-May-24 4:55PM
Ty bdf2 ❤️
Posted on 31-May-24 6:07AM
Great idea, definitely interested. If you need any help setting up would be glad to assist.
comment #22 was clobbered
Comment #23 by eight in response to beachlifebliss ( view post )
Posted on 10-Jun-24 2:40PM
Any.progress on this project was
Comment #24 by Jerkbud in response to the main topic
Posted on 14-Jun-24 5:00PM
Aye , brilliant idea
Comment #25 by Ivan in response to the main topic
Posted on 19-Jun-24 6:06PM
Great idea, of course location location location for something that takes off, I know the need for this sort of thing is large, are you going to make a place for women to offer themselves for fucking anomalously? And I know they charge for this most places and frankly it’s well worth paying for, I hope you do really well and we would like to visit sometime if you get up and running,
Comment #26 by Georgieboy in response to Ivan ( view post )
Posted on 19-Jun-24 8:56PM
I think this sort of arrangement should be subsidized by the Government! Free and encouraged if not compulsory for all willing sensuous adults
Comment #27 by Ivan in response to Charlee ( view post )
Posted on 20-Jun-24 2:26AM
It’ll cost you money and I think you deserve to be helped, a cover charge would be fair, are you thinking of hosting gangbangs etc?

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