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DVX New Lynn
Discussion - started by Jackaluk, posted on 26-Apr-24 7:36AM
Hey all starting this one up as the last one disappeared for some reason

Showing comments 1 through 36 out of 36 comments

Comment #1 by Jackaluk in response to the main topic
Posted on 26-Apr-24 7:36AM
Hey all, no idea what happened to the last thread!?!?
Posted on 27-Apr-24 10:22AM
Looks like a number of threads were retired or deleted. Possible server issue or automatic cleaning.
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Comment #6 by Jbeez in response to Jackaluk ( view post )
Posted on 27-Apr-24 2:34PM
All these types of threads are being deleted. This one will be soon probably.
Comment #7 by superlaugh in response to Jbeez ( view post )
Posted on 27-Apr-24 4:05PM
Why is that?
Comment #8 by Jbeez in response to superlaugh ( view post )
Posted on 27-Apr-24 7:22PM
Best to read the discussion. ommunity/groups/discussions/?g roup=9&itemid=130
Comment #9 by Popihat in response to Jbeez ( view post )
Posted on 27-Apr-24 8:39PM
Link doesn't work. thanks for sending all the same - keen to know what's happened... Any chance you could resend link?
Comment #10 by Jbeez in response to Popihat ( view post )
Posted on 30-Apr-24 1:29PM
Under general discussions and events, looks for the title “another reminder guys”.
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Comment #18 by Rainbow-warrior in response to the main topic
Posted on 17-May-24 12:06PM
Admin are deleting posts that start to include “hooking up” threads.
It’s seems ridiculous in some cases
Posted on 17-May-24 7:39PM
Well that’s my sub over, went be renewing. Power trip pure and simple! Dont think anyone has an issue with it!
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Comment #22 by Jackaluk in response to Jackaluk ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 11:34AM
DVX is a fucking cruise lounge, pure and simple, people come
Here to suck and fuck. So this thread should be all about that. If the power tripping admin have an issue with that, then make this an adults only thread! Absolutely ridiculous that this ‘clobbering’ is happening. Pathetic stance and now they won’t possibly back down. Small minded pettiness in all honesty!
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Comment #25 by Cheekies in response to Jackaluk ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 2:46PM
Just a suggestion - how about create a DVX New Lynn group then you can post whatever you want, this includes moderating your own group. This is the general discussion and events part of the site. There are specific criteria that come with that and admin adhere to.

Note: No ego was used in formulating this message
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Comment #27 by Jackaluk in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 2:55PM
Sounds like a good idea, some already has done this, not single comment there as yet
Comment #28 by Jackaluk in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 2:56PM ommunity/groups/discussions/?g roup=5148&itemid=

That’s the thread
Comment #29 by Jackaluk in response to Jackaluk ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 2:56PM
But how to make sure people find it?
Comment #30 by Rumpus_fun in response to Jackaluk ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 3:30PM
People remove their own comments not Admin and when they do it shows as being "clobbered" which is just a term the site uses so don't go blaming Admin.
Comment #31 by Jackaluk in response to Rumpus_fun ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 4:10PM
Sorry, that’s BS, I’ve had multiple comments removed here, and not by me. This morning i jokingly asked if anyone wanted to fuck this arvo, removed soon after! It’s well known Admins are doing this!
Comment #32 by Jackaluk in response to Rumpus_fun ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 4:11PM
Also at 2:51 which is still there, sure it will also be removed
Comment #33 by Rumpus_fun in response to Jackaluk ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 4:33PM
Ok a bit weird then. I was only going off comments that i've deleted on posts. Possibly one of the group managers doing it maybe.
Comment #34 by Cheekies in response to Jackaluk ( view post )
Posted on 31-May-24 4:34PM
Said rules in general discussions and events:
Keep it friendly!
No bitching or arguing. NO advertising, soliciting or promoting services, and no booty-call posts. No trolling, antagonising, or winding up of other members. NO phone numbers or any other external contact details!
If you experience any abuse from others, then please contact the group managers or report a complaint to admin.

Also whats been stated users do remove their own posts too. Do have a complaint to report? Send it through to admin.
Posted on 31-May-24 4:37PM
Comment #36 by ktt0630 in response to Jackaluk ( view post )
Posted on 1-Jun-24 11:37AM
If you copy and paste delete the spaces in c ommunity and g roup. Hopefully migrating to that discussion will solve the issue.

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