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What's with all the profile dick pics
Discussion - started by Nzguy74, posted on 3-May-24 6:44PM
Do they work for you. Ladies thoughts ?

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Comment #20 by Cheekies in response to Kandi ( view post )
Posted on 5-May-24 5:07PM
I'm not sure, I am not responsible for removing his posts. I just responded to them when they were up.
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Comment #22 by Biguycrom in response to the main topic
Posted on 8-May-24 5:06PM
Love a good dick pic.
Comment #23 by Natey in response to the main topic
Posted on 21-May-24 10:55PM
I think it's crude. Before I might have turned my nose away from anyone with one, but I've built up an immunity to it... now I just kinda go
"Oh, that's a [size] cock... anyways"
I don't think I'd ever make my profile picture a cock. Post pictures of mine, sure, but ever make it the first thing you see...? Idk, doing so just feels wrong.

Also, just being gender-neutral, same goes for pussy shots. Vaginas look just as weird and crude as a penis.
Comment #24 by gaffer69 in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 22-May-24 1:01AM
I agree,I have a face pic as the first one you should see.Disrection dictates they are for friends only..I just want to explore my kinky side.
Comment #25 by Gwauck in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 22-May-24 6:50PM
I get the impression that dick pics appeal to men more than women - which might be why they are so common here. I wonder if men want acknowledgement/to be seen as men, the most undeniable symbol of which is the cock? So by posting a dick pic they are asking to be seen as a man. Other men respond to this (women tend not to - I have had no feedback from women on my photos, for example) through some kind of empathy arising from their personal need - “I see you mate, do you see me?” For women, the physical symbol of their womanliness is probably their tits rather than their pussy, so we see lots of cleavage on women’s profiles rather than clefts 😄. Just some thoughts.
Comment #26 by Cheekies in response to Gwauck ( view post )
Posted on 22-May-24 9:29PM
Thanks for adding value to the discussion with your perspective, had me thinking ahh I didn't see it that way :)
Comment #27 by Gwauck in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 22-May-24 10:18PM
Comment #28 by CuriousAndGentle in response to the main topic
Posted on 23-May-24 1:52AM
Hehehe, this was a good thread to come across. Coincidentally I changed my profile-dick-pic a little while before I saw this though
Comment #29 by Alexi7040 in response to the main topic
Posted on 10-Jun-24 12:54PM
As a bisexual CD. I don't like cockpics on the profile. Like one of the other ladies said, it's the person who is behind the cock that interest us. There are some real out there peeps saying they are straight on their profile, but message me constantly with dic pics, and to be honest... don't listen/read very well and they tend to dodge questions...
Comment #30 by Davidbutler in response to Gwauck ( view post )
Posted on 10-Jun-24 9:34AM
Good post, some food for thought. It’s been something I’ve been considering.
Men are wired differently to women. Theirs in an alpha-male quality mimicked from nature. From an early age, men compare themselves to other men, trying to prove their prowess, ease and ability to reproduce and most importantly, be desired by a female - preferably alpha in nature as well. Strong genetics for furthering the species.
Women, on the other had - and please note that I speak GENERALLY here - are driven by oxytocin - the ‘glue’ in a relationship - she will look for good quality personality and dependability traits and the ability to protect the off-spring.

I’m afraid, a few lines on a dating site doesn’t cover the complexities. But in short, I don’t believe a cock-pic - pleasing as they are impresses a woman all that easily.
Posted on 10-Jun-24 2:09PM
You've answered thats aptly (CLAP#2)
Comment #32 by bdf2 in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 10-Jun-24 2:49PM
Posted on 10-Jun-24 5:12PM
Peeps with no pics don't stand a chance🤣
Posted on 10-Jun-24 8:59PM
You got me and I concede. A cock pic is better than no pic. At least it has some personality…
Comment #35 by Hungaluga in response to the main topic
Posted on 11-Jun-24 7:43AM
Cock pics = creepy more substance that seeing your meat as your profile.
Comment #36 by Tommiegreen in response to the main topic
Posted on 11-Jun-24 10:21AM
For me as a man it's critical because I all i am interested in is the cock. Cuts all the time wasting out ...good cock nice I wana suck it 😅
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Comment #38 by Gwauck in response to Tommiegreen ( view post )
Posted on 11-Jun-24 1:27PM
Same here. Although I enjoying playing as bi, I am not into men sexually as much as women - except for cocks! Generally, I have always liked women more than men in all respects - except for cocks lol! There is just something about a nice hard cock that appeals.
Comment #39 by Tommiegreen in response to Gwauck ( view post )
Posted on 11-Jun-24 2:49PM
Yep same here I'm not interested in a relationship.....I don't think any one on this site should be this is basically a digital glory hole 😅
Comment #40 by FrequentFun in response to the main topic
Posted on 11-Jun-24 10:18PM
Hi all. Been following this discussion with amused interest. Now time for me to weigh in with my seemingly minority opinion...amongst the female sorority at least.
Upon initially joining sites, although no prude, the incoming over saturation of dick pics was akin to a slap in the face with a wet fish
Some time after the first onslaught I moved into the unphased stage...yep, there's dick pic number 113 🤷‍♀️
Since then they do sort of work for me. Yes, I, too, wish to chat and discover if a connection to move forward forms with the person attached to said appendage. Should that go well dick pics serve their own purpose in already having provided me with information I don't have to enquire after re my preferences in that department 😊 A bit like window shopping or online shopping you could say.
On the flip side can't help but wonder if men viewing women's profiles have the same/or any issues with prolific pussy pics...hmmm 🤔
Before you look no, I choose not to regale all and sundry with mine...rather retain some mystery and leave something to the imagination should I wish to share 😉
Comment #41 by Gwauck in response to FrequentFun ( view post )
Posted on 12-Jun-24 8:30AM
Thank you for your perspective Scorpio (are you a Supergroove fan, by any chance?). The OP was aimed at your kind but it seems that mostly it is my kind who have weighed in. The commentary counterpart to dic pics perhaps? Women wishing to remain a bit mysterious and lure the prey in to their lair vs men casting out the tackle in the hope that something will bite? Hunter vs gatherer?
Posted on 15-Jun-24 2:49PM
Aside from the dick pics.. I must admit.. Some look delicious and some need a hedge trimmer...the some of the member profile names get me🤣
Comment #43 by NZuncut in response to the main topic
Posted on 16-Jun-24 3:06PM
To each their own I guess, some look amazing and others make me think "wow, that's really how you want to try to sell it? OK I guess..."
Comment #44 by Ivan in response to the main topic
Posted on 19-Jun-24 6:00PM
I know my wife likes them a lot
Comment #45 by Biguycrom in response to the main topic
Posted on 22-Jun-24 9:04AM
I have seen some bloody awful vagina profile pics. People need to be careful with the quality of their pictures.
Comment #46 by Swandry in response to the main topic
Posted on 1-Jul-24 9:44AM
I am an older mature male I’m intelligent and have done some amazing things in my life and I would be happy just to have a woman to txt and sometimes about sexy stuff That makes you all excited But I can hardly get a reply from any females and I continually read statements like ‘if your married bugger off! Don’t think it would matter if I showed a face or a dick pic I thought people on here would be more open minded but maybe there are just too many men and not enough women with open minds
Comment #47 by Alexi7040 in response to Swandry ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jul-24 10:47AM
Open minded about being married and your spouse knows nothing about your activites? And you don't see what the problem is?
Comment #48 by Biguycrom in response to Alexi7040 ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jul-24 12:32PM
Don’t judge, your profile spells out your boundaries but don’t imply other should follow them as well, everyone has their circumstances and the gentleman is just reaching out for some dialogue and potentially some fun. If everyone including these websites had strict morals to live by then none of these sites would exist. Let others decide.
Posted on 2-Jul-24 1:42PM
same, mine is to
Comment #50 by Ivan in response to josie2 ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jul-24 1:43PM
Hear hear
Comment #51 by josie2 in response to Ivan ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jul-24 1:49PM
hi sweeties,x
Comment #52 by Ivan in response to josie2 ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jul-24 2:11PM
Hi josie
Comment #53 by Alexi7040 in response to Biguycrom ( view post )
Posted on 2-Jul-24 4:44PM
I didn't imply others should follow suit. Only thing I will imply is the problem he has having digesting women may have morals and boundaries.
Comment #54 by Swandry in response to Alexi7040 ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jul-24 10:14AM
I fully understand that women have morals and boundaries and I have the greatest regard for woman I helped raise two lovely daughters that often worked in a man’s world fencing and shearing and have seen men that treat women like shit and have intervened to shut this down What pisses me off is when people abuse me because my morals don’t align with there’s Escorts for example deserve all the respect in the world for the service they provide and the shit they have to put up with from some ignorant men If someone’s morals don’t align you don’t need to be abusive ( which included ghosting) Just say sorry we are on different planets and leave it at that 🙃
Comment #55 by Ivan in response to Swandry ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jul-24 10:32AM
Hear hear,
Comment #56 by Bobbett in response to FrequentFun ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jul-24 1:12PM
Flirty chat, finding words to titillate, teasing out desires, subtle suggestions, feeling heat in replys, arousal ... replies tailored .. direct or inferred ...its beautiful slow foreplay.. assimilation ..a combo of dating and foreplay..
Not everyones gig... thats cool..
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Comment #61 by FrequentFun in response to Bobbett ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jul-24 2:18PM
Yes, obviously Bobbett, at least some or all of the above are desirable themes of conversation once chat has been initiated and a possible yearning to follow up on connections made is mutually present.
However, the main topic question re profile dick pics was directed at ladies pre chat 🙃
Comment #62 by Bobbett in response to FrequentFun ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jul-24 2:57PM
Absolutely it was..and I apologize for not staying on track. . However another area you touched on, was whether men would be slapped in the face by a wet fish after seeing a pussy photo on every ladies profile?
I for one would wouldnt... for the very same reasons you mentioned... despite the idea of being fish slapped being somewhat interesting !!!
The more pussy the merrier, variety is ... A cracking pussy isnt the be all or end all... but its great bait!😋
Comment #63 by FrequentFun in response to Bobbett ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jul-24 3:02PM
Apology accepted 🙏 Not literally the question I posed re pussy pics but 🤣 and touchè!
Comment #64 by Swandry in response to FrequentFun ( view post )
Posted on 5-Jul-24 8:44AM
I personally would love it if every woman’s profile had a pussy pic As for the wet fish …… where would the average person find a wet fish to slap someone with 🤔
Comment #65 by Bobbett in response to Swandry ( view post )
Posted on 5-Jul-24 9:23AM
Im not sure metaphorical fish are available in the fish market..
Comment #66 by Swandry in response to Bobbett ( view post )
Posted on 5-Jul-24 6:23PM
I’ve heard they are quite endangered ( metaphorically speaking) but pussies are still relatively common although quite hard to catch 😊
Comment #67 by Bobbett in response to Swandry ( view post )
Posted on 5-Jul-24 8:54PM
One could easily subscribe to the endangered theory you alluded to, based on the scarcity of the aforementioned "Pussy" on this medium!
With complete anonymity assured, the old "body image" chestnut is the probable root cause of the scarcity!
Blokes on the other hand are not immune, but possibly to a lesser degree, readily sharing electronic recordings of their phallases...being bent, coloured, circumcised, fat or short
Hairy or disheveled!
Im amused that those that come with labia's seem comfy to share, boob's or facials, but overly reluctant to have a well lit closeup of the bit us guys are salivating after for our perusal !
Not necessarily as the main bio pic, but proudly displayed in the photo tab!

Comment #68 by Swandry in response to Bobbett ( view post )
Posted on 5-Jul-24 11:54PM
Although I had to read your last comment twice to gain a full understanding of your meaning I heartily agree with it . We men grow from shy we lads to blatant exhibitionists at about the age of thirteen. As you stated though while many women will expose the occasional boob it is quite rare for them to display the gorgeous jewels that lurk lower down As a consequence they are often not overly impressed when men display photographic evidence of their pride and joy It’s a dilemma that is not solely prevalent on this website Im afraid😐
Comment #69 by Bobbett in response to Swandry ( view post )
Posted on 6-Jul-24 8:24AM
Beautifully written sir!
And gorgeous receptacles they are! No two are the same! Beautiful in every respect.
Glistening in moist anticipation..
Detailed... perfection !
A jewel as you so eloquent put it! Certainly its more attractive if its owner is free spirited and adventurous... oh... and proud!

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