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Antidepressants and libido
Discussion - started by Silverslining, posted on 20-Oct-24 4:21PM
Does anyone experience a loss of libido with these sort of medications? Are there any workarounds to this? If so, do share.

Showing comments 1 through 14 out of 14 comments

Comment #1 by Davidbutler in response to the main topic
Posted on 20-Oct-24 5:19PM
So, here’s a thing:
(Back in the 50’s or 60’s) Anti depressants were designed to assist with premature ejaculation. It was almost by accident they discovered they worked as anti-depressants. Same as some anti-depressants (amiltriptaline which were handed out like smarties in the ’s) works as pain blockers.
I’m afraid, loss of libido is often experienced. Maybe speak to your Doctor - little men’s blue pills will probably help in erection, but not with libido.
Comment #2 by JDV in response to the main topic
Posted on 20-Oct-24 5:53PM
It's not just antidepressants, lots of prescription medication can flatten your desire. I was on some and it was quite nice, I felt at least I don't need to think about sex all the time! But then I came off them and I'm like a rampant teenager. In a strange and surprising way I actually miss the sex free calmness. So it's not all bad. Try to see the silver lining in the situation. Kia kaha.
Posted on 20-Oct-24 5:59PM
Thank you.
Comment #4 by Silverslining in response to JDV ( view post )
Posted on 20-Oct-24 6:00PM
Yes ive recently found out a lot of prescription meds play with desire/libido... Wondering if there was anything magical that could increase libido in men and women.
Comment #5 by Chairboy in response to JDV ( view post )
Posted on 22-Oct-24 8:20AM
I sometimes think what I could achieve if I wasn't horny
Comment #6 by JDV in response to Chairboy ( view post )
Posted on 22-Oct-24 9:06AM
Life would be different and uncomplicated!
comment #7 was clobbered
Comment #8 by Jstfun12 in response to the main topic
Posted on 23-Oct-24 2:16PM
Check out cyproheptadine…or maybe switch antidepressant to bupropion if suitable 🤷‍♂️
Comment #9 by NZuncut in response to the main topic
Posted on 23-Oct-24 2:23PM
When I was on them my libedo was unchanged but it became much harder to orgasm. And much less sensation down there.
Comment #10 by Browser1 in response to the main topic
Posted on 28-Dec-24 9:38PM
Yes, was on them a long time ago for a short period. Dr didn’t tell me about this side effect. Took myself off them immediately and libido came back to normal. They are cock killers. Will never ever go on them again. Managed wellness by going back to basics. Exercise, diet and the good stuff.
Comment #11 by donuteater in response to the main topic
Posted on 31-Dec-24 5:15PM
SSRIs fuck with your sex drive in two ways. First, they don't remove depression as much as they remove all emotion, which makes getting horny harder. Then they make it difficult to get and stay hard. It's not fun. From my own experience, the best option is to stop taking them if it's making you more depressed. Or force through it via deliberately making yourself hornier. Neither is healthy, but neither is depression
Comment #12 by Wewilly in response to the main topic
Posted on 31-Dec-24 5:24PM
yes they do for me, libido comes and goes and viagra doesnt seem to help with me either
Comment #13 by shyguy2021 in response to the main topic
Posted on 31-Dec-24 6:21PM
I don't think I have a loss of libido but I find it much harder to maintain an erection and to cum.

So I'll be horny as fuck, and just not able to cum. It can be very frustrating and it can make your partner think you might not find them attractive.
Comment #14 by Wewilly in response to shyguy2021 ( view post )
Posted on 31-Dec-24 6:49PM
I have the problem of not getting hard enough and cum too soon

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