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Discussion - started by nzpersonals, posted on 6-Dec-13 3:17PM
I can tell you, that when I first created NZP, my intention was to create a dating website for kiwis and I wanted to provide more options than any other dating website. For example, at the time I wrote the initial pages, no other dating site accommodated or had allowances for the many different shades of sexuality or gender.

Over the years, as this site has grown, many who have joined have done so under misguided expectations; i.e. they have wrongly deduced that because we provided a plethora of options, that this is site is only a sex site.

I must say that this narrow viewpoint disappoints me every time I see anyone post such comments. I've worked my arse off to provide kiwis with a community that they can feel free to be whoever they wish to be and form friendships with people who they wouldn't have otherwise known existed.
This is the principle of a SOCIAL NETWORK for adults (in my humble opinion)

Yes, a majority of people are using the site to get laid, have affairs, and explore their own sexuality, or whatever, but I would advise you to not refer to this site as a "sex site", because NZPersonals is far more than that, and is also far more superior than just a "dating site".

To say that NZPersonals is a "sex site", is like saying that Hewlett Packard are manufacturers of pornographic viewing machines. Do you see how silly and narrow minded that point of view is?

In conclusion, if you wish to give my site a label, Adult Social Network is the accepted title.

Thanks for reading this, enjoy your time on my site.

Showing comments 66 through 115 out of 115 comments

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Comment #66 by Zero in response to Harddawn ( view post )
Posted on 17-Dec-13 7:24PM
*pushes blueskys face in a pav*

I gotta job here already

class clown !
Comment #67 by cheekygirl64 in response to Zero ( view post )
Posted on 17-Dec-13 7:35PM
Xxxxthe amusement lol
Posted on 18-Dec-13 11:31AM
Tru that anyways am going fishing soonish wish me luck
Comment #69 by Harddawn in response to Zero ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 12:56PM
well then consider it zero input hahahahah
Comment #70 by Zero in response to Harddawn ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 12:59PM
Im workin on a real shocker of a xmas pic

lol watch this space brotha
Comment #71 by sillylady in response to Zero ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 1:03PM
Popcorn time... I do love to be entertained
Posted on 19-Dec-13 1:08PM
Zero is great entertainment
Comment #73 by kitiff123 in response to Zero ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 3:55PM
Spit roasting Santa?
Comment #74 by Zero in response to kitiff123 ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 4:06PM
L o l

naaa but thats a great idea of spitroasting mrs claus

hmmmmmmm !
Comment #75 by cheekygirl64 in response to Zero ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 4:51PM
Spit roasting mmmmmmmmm
Posted on 19-Dec-13 6:07PM
I think we all agree we have to leave to leave the reindeer out of the equation. Elves? There's a thought..............
Comment #77 by Harddawn in response to Zero ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 6:47PM
does it involve a pav? hahahah
Posted on 19-Dec-13 6:49PM
Lovely thought mmmm
Comment #79 by Zero in response to Harddawn ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 8:26PM
Well there would certainly be kiwi and cream invovled !!!
Comment #80 by Zero in response to Harddawn ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 8:27PM
Im getting a few props together for the pics
Comment #81 by Harddawn in response to Zero ( view post )
Posted on 19-Dec-13 8:31PM
* asks sillylady to pass the popcorn.
Comment #82 by BadWolf in response to sillylady ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jan-14 8:37PM
Haha, I was that nerdy uncool kid for years, pretty much lived in books, now im that chick with blonde spiky hair who shocks the shit out of her friends. (Still a bit book obsessed though)
Comment #83 by kitiff123 in response to BadWolf ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jan-14 10:06PM
We don't think anyone is "uncool". Live in books? What on earth is wrong with that? Soemone once said that you are never alone if you have a good book as company. So you're now a self-confessed chick with blonde spiky hair who shocks the shit out of her friends. Another wise person opined "You will not learn from me philosophy, but rather how to philosophise. Not thoughts to repeat, but rather how to think. Think for yourself and stand on your own two feet". Think for yourself and go girl.
Posted on 4-Jan-14 10:10PM
I agree whole heartedly xxxxx
Comment #85 by BadWolf in response to kitiff123 ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jan-14 10:34PM
Haha thanks guys, my parents would beg to disagree... But I have found that life is lacking a fair bit if I'm not being myself
Comment #86 by sillylady in response to BadWolf ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jan-14 10:36PM
dont tell anyone but im still the geeky nerd... Books are my family, tho I only wear the knee high socks on special request.
Comment #87 by BadWolf in response to sillylady ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jan-14 10:45PM
Haha, I only just gave those up from school, not quite ready to face nightmare again, they'd just never stay up....
Comment #88 by sexyrufus in response to Harddawn ( view post )
Posted on 4-Jan-14 11:05PM
how about being able to instant message someone else who is online not only those who are in the chat room???
Comment #89 by kitiff123 in response to sexyrufus ( view post )
Posted on 5-Jan-14 12:05AM
You do realise you can actually do that thing!!!
Comment #90 by sexyrufus in response to kitiff123 ( view post )
Posted on 5-Jan-14 8:27PM
NO! How??!!! Please tell me do!! :)
Comment #91 by anagasm in response to nzpersonals ( view post )
Posted on 6-Mar-14 10:22AM
Is the proof that this isn't a sex site here yet? If you ever read my messages you'd see that the majority think this is a sex site.
Comment #92 by capelde in response to cheekygirl64 ( view post )
Posted on 28-Mar-14 8:46AM
you still have your virginity hehe at 50 well done hehe
Comment #93 by Gandro in response to the main topic
Posted on 9-Jul-14 9:23AM
Thanks for the great work, I'll keep al your points in mind with future posts.
Posted on 26-Nov-16 8:03AM
encluding your virginity
Posted on 26-Nov-16 8:05AM
Comment #96 by helene-56 in response to the main topic
Posted on 27-Nov-16 10:30PM
Facebook for adults....
And you have done well with this site....
Comment #97 by Primalresponse in response to the main topic
Posted on 28-Nov-16 12:52PM
Yup. Awesome to....

The sex site thing is a base line of others intent. They don't get the value of the ability to network and establish other events apart from genitalia swapping

Awesome network. Always said it always will
Posted on 28-Nov-16 12:58PM
I'm so gutted not to have caught up over the weekend. I was laid up in bed, bloody chest grrrr
Posted on 28-Nov-16 1:12PM
mmmm bloody "lovely " chest grrrr
Posted on 28-Nov-16 1:20PM
Not when it's got bronchitis lol
Posted on 28-Nov-16 1:34PM
mmm ok maybe not redact? message let us know when its ok to say lovely again
Posted on 28-Nov-16 1:54PM
Ok lol
comment #103 was clobbered
Comment #104 by Cherub in response to helene-56 ( view post )
Posted on 28-Nov-16 8:27PM
Why in your opinion are they a have!?

I have used them in the past with some very good results.'s still a hook up site - some men (and even women) aren't as upfront about what they actually want...90% time is sex same as on here...;-)
comment #105 was clobbered
Comment #106 by helene-56 in response to the main topic
Posted on 28-Nov-16 8:39PM

More honest on this site than dating sites....
Comment #107 by Cherub in response to helene-56 ( view post )
Posted on 28-Nov-16 8:54PM
Just got to ask the right questions... same as on here. ...

And more honest - think!... only about wanting sex, and preferences etc... certainly not anything else... (just my opinion )
Just takes time to sort gems from the shit - dirty job but hey gotta do it and end result worth it if you do find one with right sparkle lol
comment #108 was clobbered
Comment #109 by Cherub in response to helene-56 ( view post )
Posted on 29-Nov-16 5:48AM

So no gems in the shit - waste of time. .. or!, what are you saying ???
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Comment #111 by Cherub in response to helene-56 ( view post )
Posted on 29-Nov-16 3:10PM
Fair enough each to there own
Goes with Consumer society ....
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Comment #113 by Cherub in response to helene-56 ( view post )
Posted on 29-Nov-16 7:55PM
Wow!! Really

Never say never helene lol

Yes! fun isn't it just
I can't ever imagine my body not letting or responding to fun ....
Very lucky with fit healthy one..
Comment #114 by Taboo in response to the main topic
Posted on 29-Nov-16 11:50PM
Adult Social Network..niice!
Great reading, Ive met some cool interesting people on here.
Didnt need sex all the time...stimulating, intelligent conversations were the call of the day...Awesome site!
Comment #115 by Straight-up in response to the main topic
Posted on 27-Oct-18 8:20AM
Well put

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