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Met anyone?
Discussion - started by Pomy74, posted on 2-Dec-23 9:59AM
Morning everyone.
Just putting it out there, have many of you met anyone from this site?
I love the idea of this site as we are all looking for the same thing but the amount of actual meet ups I've had on here for the amount of time I've been on here is minimal.

I thought as we are looking for some fun and not a partner to settle down with and get married then there would be alot more meet ups and lots of fun to be had but sadly this doesn't seem to be the case.

Is it me or do any others on here feel the same?

Look forward to reading your responses.
Thanks for your time and Happy Christmas.

Showing comments 28 through 77 out of 77 comments

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Comment #28 by Chvfrd in response to the main topic
Posted on 5-Dec-23 4:03PM
I’ve met quite a few people on here, had some awesome experiences with guys and girls 😄
Comment #29 by Sly_Fun69 in response to the main topic
Posted on 5-Dec-23 4:53PM
I've met few people on here. Both single females and couples. It's all in the way you come across. Don't be pushy, take your time and make it genuine. In saying that though it's still not as often as I'd like
Comment #30 by HornyKiwiguy in response to the main topic
Posted on 5-Dec-23 5:29PM
I’ll add to my previous comment.
I like to meet guys face to face prior and I’ve had some great experiences and liked a few and pretty much said no to others. About 20/80 really.
I cant host very often, but when I can, I know who to contact.
I have had some really interesting chats with guys and I once met a crossdresser at a park, dress as a woman. That was a surprise. I knew he was a CD, I just didn’t think he would meet me as a she…
Comment #31 by Biguycrom in response to the main topic
Posted on 5-Dec-23 5:48PM
This subject is almost right up there with the question, how do you understand woman.
Met and chatted with my fair share over the years, most good and some frogs.
I guess some need to be cautious and some are shy. All have our quirks and guessing others can be tricky.
The good communicators tend to be genuine and those who can’t string a sentence, quite likely time wasters. My input here is no different to what others have said and will continue to say for ever in the day.
Comment #32 by hyssop in response to the main topic
Posted on 6-Dec-23 12:54PM
No haven't found or met any1 can't even seem to get an escort. Bit desperate. Looking at closing account and looking elsewhere
Comment #33 by HornyKiwiguy in response to hyssop ( view post )
Posted on 6-Dec-23 2:03PM
Put some pics on your profile.
I don’t see trans, sissies or cd’s chasing guys with no pictures.
Comment #34 by Natey in response to the main topic
Posted on 6-Dec-23 5:48PM
I met one guy from another site and just... so many very subtle red flags... and it's definitely bad when you find out he literally has a wikipedia page with "Sexual abuse allegations" as one of the titles. Still, hasn't dissuaded me from wanting to meet others I like and am charmed by ^v^.
Comment #35 by evan4100 in response to the main topic
Posted on 7-Dec-23 6:59PM
quite a few,just got to be prepared to put the work in
Comment #36 by Cheekies in response to the main topic
Posted on 7-Dec-23 7:24PM
We are all on here seeking different things. Its not exclusive to people wanting no strings hook ups. Many people state what they seek in their profile. I have met so many people from this site from all over the country North and South. Made some great friends as well. Quality takes time, sometimes effort to weed through the fake, dreamers who talk up a big game but never see things through absolute time wasters. Many are the ones who message you with an out the gate request only to deactivate their account to recreate another.

I have only been stood up twice, two different guys. I don't sit with the regret thats on them, theyve tried over time to reconnect, they will never get another chance. Time is precious, I choose not to waste it on people who havent put in the energy to deserve it.

One piece of advice that will hopefully resonate with someone - stop it with the entitlement attitude, if you message someone quit assuming you are doing them a favour and you are who and what they seek. As others have said respect and time goes a long way.

It comes down to have the life you deserve
Comment #37 by evan4100 in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 7-Dec-23 7:46PM
could`nt agree more!
Comment #38 by boxer64 in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 7-Dec-23 10:32PM
I agree with everything you have said. But what about older people looking? Someone said it is a preference but I think it is ageism.
Comment #39 by evan4100 in response to boxer64 ( view post )
Posted on 7-Dec-23 10:52PM
um,what do you mean? ive had meets/friends etc. of both sides of my age.I agree,lots of tyre kickers/ not genuine people( probably because a lot of the benefits of this site are free)some really genuine people on here though!.But as in any site it can be a bit tricky to `connect` lol.
Comment #40 by FrequentFun in response to the main topic
Posted on 7-Dec-23 11:39PM
I have enjoyed many dalliances and/or conversations with some great guys over my almost 4 years on here. Have found it to be all about the 'job application' interviewing process as I call it.
As an older gal initially I was seeking the company of someone closer to my own age. Sadly for both myself and some of those men, ED issues made moving forward untenable 🤷‍♀️
Once I overcame my fear of treading into relative paedophile territory lol lack of ageism on my part brought new delights! 😊
Yes, as women we do hold all the power on here..."sitting on a gold mine" is apparently the term.
Main reason for that in my experience here is due to the ridiculously high ratio of males to females. And the solution is...🤷‍♀️
Comment #41 by evan4100 in response to FrequentFun ( view post )
Posted on 8-Dec-23 12:02AM
100%! ratio is out,but thats on most dating sites i think?...not going there!,haha
Comment #42 by Cheekies in response to boxer64 ( view post )
Posted on 8-Dec-23 5:22AM
Ageism? Is it sexism if you only prefer one gender over the other? Is it racism to prefer one culture over others? You like what you like... Attraction is an independent thing. I'm not attracted to dim witted people, so does that mean I am a mindist? OK that was a stretch but hopefully I've made my point.
Posted on 8-Dec-23 8:24AM
What an amazing profile. I am a solo older guy and dont get much action on here or Kiwiswingers but those i have had enjoyed the experience i just wish all those who say age is just a number stood by it instead of making excuses.
Comment #44 by aliveanddying in response to the main topic
Posted on 8-Dec-23 9:00AM
In our previous incarnation here we had a lot of meets. Like a lot. This time around...not so many.

Still in contact with some people from before and try to meet up when we can but real life, distance, etc often makes that difficult.
Comment #45 by Hereforyou in response to the main topic
Posted on 8-Dec-23 10:10AM
Then of course, you have the ones who think that they are better than everyone else, not only want the moon but half of the solar system, makes it very difficult to want to contact or even meet them.
Another thing (dare I say it ), women mostly, who don't even have the decent courtesy to answer with even a Thank you but no thank you, no matter how nice, lengthy or detailed the contact message was to them.
Comment #46 by Pomy74 in response to Hereforyou ( view post )
Posted on 8-Dec-23 10:27AM
Yep I agree...I rarely get any replies which I find pretty rude.
Comment #47 by hornycouple in response to Pomy74 ( view post )
Posted on 8-Dec-23 10:38AM
We always reply to everyone,we also make it very clear right from the first message that sorry we dont play with bi/curious guys,Ladies different story.Age is but a number if a guy can get it up and as long as he showers before arriving then fine,we have and still have friends we have met from swinging over the years we have been involved ,we love the life style so no need to cheat as we have an open relationship
Comment #48 by boxer64 in response to hornycouple ( view post )
Posted on 8-Dec-23 10:41AM
Having read a couple of comments about ED. Are you saying a guy with ED isn't suitable and therefore should be put on the rubbish heap? They also have feelings and can give a guy and a woman pleasure.
Posted on 8-Dec-23 10:45AM
Being the devils advocate here LOl
So why the discrimination between Bi/curious guys and women?.....Reason.
Especially if the males don't indulge in anal.
Can understand male half of you because your straight.
Comment #50 by hornycouple in response to boxer64 ( view post )
Posted on 8-Dec-23 10:48AM
If thats what you think then thats your privalage just not us
Posted on 8-Dec-23 10:51AM
Because Karen is Bi IM VERY STRAIGHT not interested in guys at all
Posted on 8-Dec-23 10:56AM
Cool, fair enough.
Posted on 8-Dec-23 1:12PM
It certainly does, you guys are soo much fun, I just wished we lived closer!
Comment #54 by domseka in response to the main topic
Posted on 9-Dec-23 6:52PM
ive been on this site for many years,(now a non paying member,) ive met a fair few ,both m and f,a few couples,also i used to organise gang bangs,...getn older now so not much playing,( hence the non paying member) however i still enjoy the site, good luck all, play safe
Comment #55 by Tasty1 in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 10-Dec-23 2:58PM
Lol that makes me a mindist too, might have to add it to my profile.
Comment #56 by Cheekies in response to Tasty1 ( view post )
Posted on 10-Dec-23 6:52PM
Good on ya girl and why not, those dimwits are all over the Internet, they're those ones who say you're gorgeous and they want to get to know you better, but they don't ask questions to make that happen lol hahahaha they think saying that gives them an instant connection lmao lol
Comment #57 by Tasty1 in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 10-Dec-23 7:20PM
The good news is it's not hard to weed them out 😆
Posted on 11-Dec-23 7:33AM
Hard to ask questions when the Ladies don't respond to messages, faults on both sides of the gender gap I feel.
Comment #59 by Newhorizons in response to Tasty1 ( view post )
Posted on 11-Dec-23 12:19PM
Blah blah blah 😂😂😂
Posted on 11-Dec-23 12:52PM
I dont know which lady youre referring to but Ive always been responsive when I am messaged.
Posted on 11-Dec-23 1:33PM
Yes you are, corresponded with you several years ago now. Had a couple of good chats before I left the site.
No particular lady, just most women in general.
Posted on 11-Dec-23 3:49PM
We always reply as well its only polite
Posted on 11-Dec-23 5:43PM
The key is consistency, so many people leave and recreate themselves for whatever reason. I don't have the time and energy to do that so I just keep my same username and do as I please :)
Comment #64 by Hereforyou in response to the main topic
Posted on 15-Dec-23 12:27PM
No wonder the Ladies get annoyed.
A woman posts something that could be construed as sexy, next minute, 20 or more guys jump on and comment that they want in on the action.
Kinda wants to make me giggle.
Comment #65 by Iaino in response to HornyKiwiguy ( view post )
Posted on 24-Dec-23 11:00AM
Lucky you 😀
Comment #66 by Stilettogal in response to the main topic
Posted on 29-Jan-24 3:07PM
Yes, I met a really nice guy from here. We had a couple of no stress coffees and talked about what we each wanted but also said if either of us wasn't interested then we wouldn't go further.
He decided not to go further!
Posted on 29-Jan-24 3:15PM
Hard out, there's a couple in here who don't respond to well written considerate emails but complain they're getting no action LOL
Comment #68 by Dmenis in response to Stilettogal ( view post )
Posted on 29-Jan-24 7:22PM
I think you are a awesome lady to meet for coffee
Comment #69 by Stilettogal in response to Dmenis ( view post )
Posted on 29-Jan-24 7:26PM
You're a bit far away!
Comment #70 by Dmenis in response to Stilettogal ( view post )
Posted on 29-Jan-24 7:31PM

I will be in Auckland on Friday
Comment #71 by Stilettogal in response to Dmenis ( view post )
Posted on 29-Jan-24 7:43PM
I'll be working! I do shiftwork 2pm to 4am.
Comment #72 by Dmenis in response to Stilettogal ( view post )
Posted on 29-Jan-24 7:44PM

I will be there until Monday
Comment #73 by Try2Nsea in response to Cheekies ( view post )
Posted on 4-Mar-24 2:50AM
Very well said there cheekies
Comment #74 by Cheekies in response to Try2Nsea ( view post )
Posted on 4-Mar-24 6:36AM
Comment #75 by Paul1961 in response to boxer64 ( view post )
Posted on 8-Mar-24 7:00AM
Well said boxer , I am still coming meet up with you , just not sure when I am going down your way yet , you will like my cock ❤️
Comment #76 by Hannable in response to Paul1961 ( view post )
Posted on 8-Mar-24 9:48AM
I am certain that age has a great deal to do with no replies and such like I join NZP for the first time 2012 and had quite a lot of fun but now days it has dried up
Comment #77 by ajsone in response to the main topic
Posted on 8-Apr-24 4:20AM
I have met a few guys on here and some of them are now friends. I still get the odd requests, but I'm not on here often, so emails just sitting there, when I am online I tend to be perving at profiles pics etc it is after all why I'm a paid member and I want to enjoy my membership while I can.

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